| ![]() MIL-G-81065A(OS) Shock; transportation, storage and handling. The gyro-
pendulum, packaged and packed as specified in Section 5, shall be sub-
jected to the appropriate shock isolation tests specified in Weapons
Requirements WR-11. Acceleration. The gyro-pendulum shall be subjected to the
acceleration magnitudes and directions required by Table IV for three
minutes at room temperature for each condition specified. Temperature Temperature, storage. The gyro-pendulum, preserved and
packaged in accordance with 5.2.1, shall be placed in a temperature con-
trolled chamber and subjected to the following temperature cycles:
(a) Heat to plus 140 plus 5 minus 0 degrees F in 2.5 plus
or minus 0.5 hours.
(b) Maintain at plus 140 plus 5 minus 0 degrees F for 4
hours minimum.
(c ) Cool to minus 45 plus 5 minus 5 degrees F in 2.5 plus
or minus 0.5 hours.
(d) Maintain at minus 45 plus O minus 5 degrees F for 4
hours minimum.
(e) Return to room temperature in 2.5 plus or minus 0.5 hours.
Repeat this schedule for a minimum of three cycles. Temperature, operating. The gyro-pendulum shall be stabi-
lized at a temperature of zero degrees F and tested to conform to the
requirements of The gyro-pendulum shall then be stabilized at
plus 160 degrees F and again tested to conform to the requirements of Pressure test.
The gyro-pendulum shall be subjected to pres-
sure of 2.7 psia. Humidity test. The gyro-pendulum shall be placed in a suitable
test chamber and be subjected to 95 percent relative humidity for a period
of eight hours minimum at a temperature of 110 degrees F minimum. Life test. The gyro-pendulum shall be operated for a total of
500 hours. The maximum duty cycle shall be three hours on and one hour
off under such ambient conditions that the gyro-pendulum will cool to
room temperature within the one hour off time.
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