| ![]() MIL-G-82455(OS)
Installed. - Mount the Generator with safety pin
removed, as shown in figure 2 and secure to the shock test fixtures so
that a minimum of 90 percent of the table input of the fixture will be
applied to the Generator. Subject the Generator to 45 g's, peak
magnitude for a duration of 20.0 +5.0 -0 milliseconds in the forward
direction (see figure 2). Acceleration.-
The Generator, with safety pin
removed, shall be mounted as shown in figure 2 and subjected to an
acceleration of 35 g's in the forward direction for 3 minutes, and 25
g's in the aft direction for 3 minutes at room temperature.
Temperature cycling.-
The Generator, preserved and
packaged in accordance with section 5, shall be placed in a temperature
controlled chamber and subjected to the following chamber temperature
Cool to -45 -0 +5 degrees l? within 30 minutes
Maintain at -45 -0 +5 degrees F for 4 hours
Heat to 140 +0 -5 degrees F within 30 minutes
Maintain at 140 +0 -5 degrees F for 4 hours
Return to room temperature within 15 minutes
Repeat this schedule for three cycles. Humidity.- Mount the unpackaged Generator with safety
pin removed, in the humidity chamber and subject it to an atmosphere
of 95 +5 -0 percent relative humidity at 110 +5 -0 F for 8 +1 -0 hours. Altitude.- Place the unpackaged Generator with safety
in removed, in a vacuum chamber and reduce the pressure to 13.76 inches
of mercury absolute. Leakage.-
Install the Generator to be tested in the
3). Subject the cartridge end (opposite the
test fixture (see figure
-0 psig air pressure at ambient temperature
firing sear) to 3700 +50
A decrease of pressure due to leakage through
for 10 +1.0 -0 seconds.
test constitutes a failure.
the Generator during the Function tests.- The Generator shall be installed on
the test fixture in the test chamber (see figure 3) and be initiated
by applying a force in accordance with 3.3.1 at random extraction cone
angles in accordance with,1. One half of the preproduction
sample shall be fired with their longitudinal axis (see figure 1)
horizontal; thirteen shall be fired with the firing sear end up and
the remaining Generators shall be fired with the firing sear end down.
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