| ![]() MIL-G-82455(OS)
devices such as grounded bracelets for workers should be employed where
operations are conducted with items whicn are unusually sensitive to
initiation by static electricity. Such items include initiating
explosives, tracer mixtures, and low-energy type electric primers,
detonators and squibs. The latter types of items should have the
free ends of lead wires bared and twisted together, and be packed
in relatively small groups wrapped in bare ncn-insulated aluminum foil
or other uncoated metal foil. During assembly and processing operations
such sensitive electric items should be short circuited by clips or other
devices until installed with safety shunt in the final device. Additional
precautions for these items should include mechanical shielding to
contain or deflect fragments and blast, also electrical shielding of
these items from induced electric currents generated by sources such as
lightning, static, radiations from communications apparatus, radar, or
high frequency heat apparatus, etc. Where necessary for safety,
humidity of work room should be appropriately increased, as required to
lessen electrostatic effects but without inducing excessive moisture
absorption by any of the components of the item being loaded.
6.4 6.5
Protect all explosive operations from effects of
electric current originating from equipment such as soldering irons,
heaters, switches, wiring, motors, lights, test instruments, etc.,
insulation, grounding separation or shielding. Such electric sources
may initiate explosives by heat, sparks, arcs, or due to completing
an electric circuit through an electric primer, detonator, or squib.
Circuits may be inadvertently completed, for example, from a defective
electric soldering iron through a grounded contact. All electric-
type primers, detonators, or squibs provided with the wire leads should
have the free ends of the wires bared and twisted together to short
circuit each unit, except when in process of assembly into a finished
item. Where practicable, removable short circuiting clips or other
devices should be employed during manufacturing operations involving
electric primers, detonators, or squibs. Enforce, where necessary, the wearing of suitable safety
footwear, gloves, goggles, respirators, and impregnated garments to
protect personnel against burns, poisoning and associated industrial
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