| ![]() Stiff force-proportional joystick. When the mode selector
switch is in NORMAL position, two signal channels (Azimuth and Elevation}
shall be provided to the Computer AN/ASN-91. Figure 2 specifies the signal
output to the computer vs. force applied to the joystick. When the mode
selector switch is in any position other than NORMAL, the two signal channels,
(Azimuth and Elevation) each shall put out an amplified dc voltage
proportional to the applied force. Figure 3 specifies the voltage output vs.
force applied to the joystick. Joystick electrical connections. Connections to external
circuits shall be provided as speci fied in table IV.
TABLE IV. Joystick electrical connections
3.5.2 Converter, Control Signal CV-3248A/AWW (electronics package). The
electronic package shall be manufactured in accordance with 475AS150 and
the requirements specified in through Electronics package function. The electronics package shall
provide regulated operating voltages for the control group. It shall contain
the voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) and associated electronic switches
and constant current circuitry. It also shall contain two thermal heaters and
a thermal switch to maintain a stable operating environment for the VCO'S at
temperature below -20C. Electronics package weight. The weight of the electronics
package shall be not greater than 1.76 pound (798.3 grams).
The electronics package shall
Electronic package content.
contain the following circuits.
a . Electronic Package (2A1 Board) - The electronics package
circuit board 2A1 shall provide +5 volts dc and 2.5 volts dc
to the A1 board in the joystick. Also, the circuit board
shall convert dc voltages into ac signals that are sinned
together and then converted into a constant current source.
The 2A1 board. shall be manufactured in accordance with IX
Electronic Package (2A2 Board) - The electronics package
circuit board 2A2 shall provide a 16 bit code with two bits
sync and 14 bits data. The first half of each bit and the
first two bits shall be +2.5 V dc. The next 12 bits shall
be O V dc or +5 V dc depending on the thumbwheel switch
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