| ![]() MIL-G-85231(AS)
4.7 Environmental tests. The control group shall be subjected to the
environmental tests specif ied in 4.7.1 through
4.7.1 Vibration. Random vibration test. The control group shall be subjected to
the vibration spectrum shown in figure 5 for one hour in each of three
mutually perpendicular axes. The control group shall be energized and shall
meet all specification operational requirements during the random vibration
tests. Gunfire vibration test. The control group shall be subjected to
the gunfire vibration requirements of figure 6 with the test duration
consisting of eight six-minute intervals, each separated by 6-minutes with
vibration removed (48 minutes total vibration exposure per axis). The control
group need not be operating during the gunfire vibration tests, but shall
operate as required after the completion of the gunfire vibration tests. Random workmanship vibration test. The control group shall be
subjected to the vibration spectrum shown in figure 5 for 30-minute test with
the joystick oriented in the vertical axis and the converter oriented in the
lateral axis as shown in figure 7. The control group need not be operating
during the random workmanship vibration test, but shall operate as required
after the completion of the random workmanship vibration tests.
The control group shall be subjected to the
4.7.2 Temperature-altitude.
temperature-altitude combination tests of MIL-E-5400 for Class 1 equipment.
4.7.3 Shock. Operational. The control group shall be subjected to shock tests
in accordance with MIL-E-5400 except the amplitude for the joystick shall be
20g in longitudinal axis, 22g in the lateral axis, and 35g in the vertical
axis. The electronics package shall be subjected to amplitudes of 20g in
longitudinal axis, 30g in the lateral axis, and 46g in the vertical axis.
Figure 7 specifies the appropriate axes. Crash safety. The control group shall be subjected to the crash
safety shock tests specified in MIL-E-54U0 except that the amplitudes for the
joystick shall be 40g in longitudinal axis, 40g in the lateral axis, and 47g
in the vertical axis. The amplitudes for the electronic package shall be 40g
in longitudinal axis, 40g in the lateral axis, and 55g in vertical axis
4.7.4 Humidity. The control group shall be subjected to the humidity
tests in accordance with MIL-T-5422.
4.7.5 Salt spray. The control group shall be subjected to salt spray
tests in accordance with MIL-T-5422.
The control group shall be subjected to explosion tests
4.7.6 Explosion
in accordance with M IL-T-5422.
4.8 Warm-up time. After stabilization at -54C, the control group shall
be energized for th ree minutes prior to recording operational test data.
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