| ![]() MIL-G-85536(AS)
3.1.2 Government-furnished property list. When specified in the contract
or purchase order, the following Government-furnished property (GFP) till be
supplied to the contractor for gun system testing:
PGU-23/U TP Ammunition, Cartridge, 25-mm, Target Practice (TP)
M794 Dummy Ammunition
Other materials, as required, that the acquisition would be
more expedient if the materials were furnished by the Government.
3.1.3 Input electrical power. The gun system shall maintain the per-
formance specified herein when supplied with d-c electrical power in
accordance with MIL-STD-704 (28 volts nominal). The current shall be not
greater than 10 amperes (A).
3.1.4 Input pneumatic power. The gun system shall maintain the per-
formance specified herein when supplied with air at the inlet to the
regulator having the following air conditions:
Pressure: 60 psig to 255 psig
Temperature: 400F to 700F
Flow rate: Not greater than 7.7 cubic feet per second
3.2 Characteristics.
3.2.1 Performance. Dispersion and accuracy. When installed on the ground firing
test stand, Drawing 799E100, the gun system shall place not less than 80
percent of all fired projectiles in a 178-mm (700-inch) diameter circle at a
range of 25.4 meters (m) (1,000 inches) for dispersion. The center of impact
shall fall within a 7-mil diameter circle the center of which is located 4.75
mils to the left and 4.75 mils down `from the true boresight point of the gun
(See 6.3.1). Firing rates. The steady-state firing rate (see 6.3.6) shall be
within the limits of 3,400 to 4,000 rounds per minute. The gun system shall
fire not less than 45 rounds in 1.0 second after application of the trigger ON
signal. Clearing. The gun system shall automatically clear after each
firing burst. The cleared gun shall have not less than one spent case between
the gun sear point and a live round following firing of a burst.
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