| ![]() MIL-G-35536(AS) Torque. Breakaway torque. The breakaway torque shall be measured with
a torque wrench manually applied to the gun at the auxiliary drive shaft in
the forward firing direction. The torque shall be measured and recorded in
each of the five timed gun positions to verify the requirements of Running torque. The running torque requirement of
shall be measured on the drive shaft (Drawing 1395AS168) and recorded during
the firing of the last 30 rounds in each burst.
4.2.4 Final examination. After completion of all testing and prior to
preservation and packaging, each gun system shall have a visual examination
for cleanliness, completeness of manufacture and workmanship.
4.3 First article inspection. Prior to subjecting the first article
sample to first article inspection, the sample shall successfully complete the
quality conformance inspection of 4.2 (see Table III). The first article
shall consist of one unit.
4.3.1 Durability test. The durability requirement of 3.2.4 shall be
verified by subjecting a gun system to an 18,000 round fire test. Only
scheduled maintenance shall be performed during the test. The test shall be
as follows:
During the firing of each complement of ammunition (300 rounds) at
least one target shall be used to verify accuracy and dispersion.
Each burst shall be not less than one second except for the fire-out
Performance data shall be monitored and recorded for each burst.
Inlet air pressure shall be varied from burst to burst within each
Not less than three 300-round complements shall be fired in
continuous bursts.
The 18,000 rounds accumulated shall include the rounds fired during
the quality conformance inspection of 4.2.
4.3.2 Reliability. The reliability requirement of 3.2.3 shall be veri-
fied by analysis of the data obtained in the durability test.
4.4 Interchangeability. The requirements of 3.3.4 shall be considered
verified by the normal random selection of components and parts that occurs
during the assembly process. Selective assembly shall not be allowed except
for the components of the gun pak and the ammunition pak.
4.5 Packaging. The requirements of Section S shall be verified by
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