| ![]() MIL-H -12732E
Plates shall be
type I style I, composition C, of type I, class 1 material.
attached by screws, bolts, rivets, or adhesive conforming to MMM-A-1617, type II
or 111, in a conspicuous protected location.
3.17 Instruction plates.
3.17.1 Hvpochlorination unit. Each unit shall be equipped with instruction
plates or diagrams, including warnings and cautions, describing any special or
important procedures to be followed in assembling, operating, or servicing the
Instruction plates shall conform to MIL-P-514, type III,
hypochlorinator .
composition C, of type III, class 1 material. Plates shall be attached by
screws, bolts or rivets, whenever possible. When not possible or practical,
warning and cautions may be attached with adhesive conforming to MMM-A-1617,
type II or III, in a conspicuous protected location.
The portions of the hypochlorination unit
3.18 Treatment and painting.
normally painted internally and externally shall be cleaned, treated, and
painted in accordance with MIL-T-704, type F or G, as applicable. Unless other-
wise specified (see 6.2), top coat color shall be Sand conforming to MIL-C-46168,
type II.
The equipment shall be provided with an accessory box 10
3.19 Accessory box.
inches by 7 inches by 7 inches, fabricated from aluminum conforming to ASTM
B 209 Alloy 6061, Temper O to T6; or Alloy 5052, Temper O to H34 having a
nominal thickness of not less than 0.071 inch; or steel conforming to ASTM A 565
The accessory box shall
having a nominal thickness of no less than 0.075 inch.
have. a hinged lid and a lockable lid latcn of a type that will keep the lid
The accessory box shall
closed when subjected to vibration or rough handling.
be securely fastened to the equipment.
Castings shall be sound and free from patching, misplaced
3.20.2 Castings.
coring, warping, porosity, blowholes, or other defects which might render the
casting unsound for its intended use.
3.20.3 Welding and welders.
3.20.3. 1 Welding.
The surfaces of parts to be welded shall be free from
rust, scale, paint, grease mill scale that can be removed by chipping and wire
Welds shall transmit stress without
brushing, and other foreign matter.
permanent deformation or failure when the parts connected by the welds are
Parent materials, weld filler metals,
subjected to proof and service loading.
and fabr ication techniques shall be as refquired to enable the unit to conform to
the examination and test requirements specified in section 4. Parts to be
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