| ![]() MIL-DTL-13220D
SAE AMS 2700
- Passivation Of Corrosion Resistant Steels
SAE AMS QQ-P-416 - Plating, Cadmium (Electrodeposited)
SAE AMS-5659
- Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Rings, and
Extrusions 15Cr - 4.5Ni - 0.30CB (Nb) - 3.5Cu Consumable
Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable
SAE AMS-5826
- Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welding Wire 15Cr - 5.1Ni -
0.30Cb - 3.2Cu (UNS S15500)-UNS S15500
SAE AMS-5862
- Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 15Cr - 4.5Ni -
0.30Cb (Nb) - 3.5Cu Consumable Electrode Remelted, Solution Heat
Treated Precipitation-Hardenable-Composition similar to UNS
(Copies of these documents are available from http://www.sae.org or Society of Automotive Engineers,
400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, 15096-0001.)
2.4 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the
references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however,
supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
3.1 General requirements. Sliding choker hooks shall conform to the dimensional limitations and
general shape shown on figure 1 or 2. All surfaces over which the wire rope will pass shall be smooth,
curved and rounded to prevent damage to the rope. The eye of the stock shall accommodate the size of
wire rope specified (see 6.2). Table I or II shows principal limiting dimensions.
3.2 Material.
3.2.1 Cast steel hooks. Material shall be cast steel, heat treated, clean and sound (see figure 1), and
in accordance with MIL-C-24707 (except for low magnetic permeability requirements) or in accordance
with ASTM A128/A128M. See table I for dimensions.
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