| ![]() MIL-H-15362B(Aer)
Preliminary Plans - Unless otherwise authorized by the Bureau of Aeronautics,
the contractor, prior to fabrication or procurement of materials intended for use in fabrication,
shall forward to the Bureau of Aeronautics for approval, a description of the test bench harness to be
developed or manufactured in accordance with this specification This description including sketches
or drawings, as necessary, shall indicate the recommended physical layout of the test bench harness
noting the proposed function, characteristics and application of each item of the harness Fabri-
cation or the procurement of materials intended for use in the fabrication of the test bench harness
shall not be initiated until the Bureau of Aeronautics has approved in writing the proposed physical
Service Conditions - The test bench harness shall be so designed and
constructed that it can withstand without adverse effect, the nonoperating conditions and shall
perform satisfactorily when exposed to the operating conditions or natural combinations of conditions
as specified below. Satisfactory performance shall mean that the test bench harness shall perform
and shall not impose on the equipment being tested any conditions Which exceed the
limits for which that equipment is designed.
3. 13.1
Operating: Operating over the temperature range of -20 C to +40C
The temperature remaining constant for long periods of
time or varying at a rate as high as lC per second.
Nonoperating: Temperature ranging from -62 C to +85 C (-80 to
the temperature remaining constant for long periods or
varying at a rate as high as lC (1.
per second.
3. 13.2
(a) Operating - Operation at barometric pressure ranging from 30 inches
of mercury down to 20.6 inches of mercury, (approximately 10, 000
feet altitude).
(b) Nonoperating: Barometric pressures ranging from 30 inches of mercury
down to 11.2 inches of mercury (approximately 25, 0000 feet altitude).
3. 13.3
(a) Operating: Operating at relative humidities up to
at temperatures
up to 50 C (122 F) including conditions wherein condensation takes place
in and on the equipment.
Relative humidities up to 100% at temperatures up to
(b) Nonoperating:
including conditions wherein condensation takes place
in and on the equipment.
Vibration - The test bench harness shall be so designed and constructed that
3. 13.4
no fixed part shall become loose, no movable part or control shift in setting, position or adjustment
The harness shall perform satisfactorily, and shall not impose on the equipment being tested any
condition which exceed the limits for which that equipment is designed, when subjected to Type I
vibration of MIL-STD- 167, frequency range of 5 to 33 cps
Shock - The test bench harness shall be designed and constructed so that
3 13.5
the harness and, the equipment being tested shall not suffer damage or subsequently fail to provide
satisfactory performance when subjected to 18 impact shocks of 15 g consisting of three shocks
in opposite directions along each of three mutually perpendicular axis, each shock impulse having
a time duration of 11 1 milliseconds. The "g" value shall be within 10% when measured with
a filter having a bandwidth of O. 2 to 250 cps and the maximum "g" shall occur at approximately
5-1/2 milliseconds.
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