| ![]() MIL-H-15362B(Aer)
(1) Individual Tests
(2) Sampling Tests
Individual Tests - Each harness submitted for acceptance shall be subjected to
4. 3.1
the individual tests. These tests shall be adequate to determine compliance with the requirements
of material, workmanship and operational adequacy. As a minimum, each harness accepted shall
have passed the following tests:
(1) Examination of Product
( 2 ) operational Test
4. 3.1.1
Examination of Product - Each harness shall be examined carefully to determine
that the material and workmanship requirements of Specification MIL-E-5400 E- 5400 have been met.
Operational Test - Each harness shall be operated long enough to check sufficient
4.3, 1.2
characteristics and record adequate data to assure satisfactory performance,
Sampling Tests - Sampling tests shall be as specified in the detail specification.
4. 3.2
T e s t Procedures - The procedures used for conducting preproduction tests and
acceptance tests shall be prepared by the contractor and submitted to the Bureau of Aeronautics or
the Government Inspector to modify the tests or require any additional tests deemed necessary to
determine compliance wiht the requirements of this specification or the contract. Specification
MIL-T-18030 18303 shall be used as a guide for preparation of test procedures, When approved procedures
are available from previous contracts the Bureau of Aeronautics will furnish the procedures to be
used for testing.
P r e s u b m i s s i o n Testing - NO item part or complete harness shall be submitted by
the contractor until it has been previously tested and inspected by the contractor and found to comply,
to the best of this knowledge and belief, with all applicable requirements.
Rejection and Retest - Harnesses which have been rejected may be reworked
or have parts replaced to correct the defects and resubmitted for acceptance, Before resubmitting,
full particulars concerning previous rejection and the action taken to correct the defects found in the
original shall be furnished the Government Inspector. Units rejected after retests shall not be
resubmitted wlt.bout the specific approval of the Bureau of Aeronautics.
Development and Service Test Contracts - On contracts for development and
service test models, approval of the model shall be as required for preproduction models. (see 4.2).
General - All major units and parts of the equipment shall be preserved, packaged,
packed and marked for the level of shipment specified in the contract or order in accordance with
Specification MIL-P-17555. - 17555.
U s e - This general specification is intended for use as the basic specification
applicable on development and initial production contracts where a detail specification does not exist
and as a subsidiary specification for detail specifications when written,
Definitions - The word "equipment" as used refers to the avionic equipment for
which the test bench harness mess has been designed for testing unless designated otherwise.
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