| ![]() MIL-H-3177C
3.3 Material. Material shall be as specified herein. Materials not
specified shall be selected by the supplier and shall be subject to all
provisions of this specification.
3.3.1 Dissimilar metals. Nonpermissable galvanic couples (dissimilar
metals) as defined in MIL-STD-889, Type II shall be insulated as speci-
fied in Section 5 of MIL-STD-889.
3.4 Fasteners. All screws, bolts, nuts, and other fasteners which
are not inherently corrosion-resistant shall be cadmium-, zinc or
nickel-plated to resist atmospheric corrosion under the environmental
conditions specified herein. Sheet metal or self-tapping screws shall
not be used.
305 Environmental conditions. The heater shall function under the
following environmental conditions:
(a) During operation in ambient temperatures from plus 80" F to
minus 65 F.
(b) After exposure to conditions of rain, humidity, salt fog,
sand and dust, vibration, and shock as specified in MIL-STD-810
and in Section 4 herein.
(c) After storage at ambient temperatures of plus 155' F with
dewpoint not over 85 F for 4 hours daily for a period of
2 days and at minus 65 F for 72 hours.
3.6 Safety. All moving parts and parts which are subject to high
operating temperatures or are energized electrically shall be insulated,
fully enclosed, or guarded. Protective devices shall not impair the
operating functions. Fire hazard shall be minimized by automatic functions
as specified in 3.8.3 and Hazards associated with the handling
or operation of the heater shall be identified as early as possible in
the life cycle and eliminated or suitably controlled as required by
MIL-STD-882. Possible sources of fuel leakage should be located where
fuel cannot. contact. hot surfaces or electrical components.
3.7 Maintainability. The heater sahall provide for quick disconnection
and remounting so that maintenance and adjustment can normally be ac
complished indoors. When demounted. all parts and assemblies of the heater
shall be accessible for servicing} repair, and adjustment. Service adjustments
required shall be the minimum consistent with required performance. Insofar
as practicable, adjustments shall not. be disturbed by disassembly required
for cleaning and checking, or shall be readily returnable to correct settings.
All practicable provision shall be made to prevent the possibility of
disassembly of components and subassemblies.
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