| ![]() MIL-H-3177C Automatic functioning. The following functions In addition
to those required for starting (see 3.8.3) shall. be accomplished
Purge unburned fuel and cool combustion chamber after every
initiation of the "cutoff" cycle regardless of whether ini-
tiation is accomplished manually or automatically. The
blower and coolant pump shall continue to operate during
this purge period. The time period for purging shall not
exceed 4 minutes.
Cutoff operation in event of combustion failure resulting from
exhaustion-of fuel supply or blockage of inlet air. Manual
reset shall then be necessary to reinitiate the starting
(c )
Cutoff operation when the temperature of coolant returning
to the heater reaches 100 to 120 F, and start it again when
the coolant-return temperature reaches 50 to 60 F.
Keep an indicator lamp lighted on the control box or panel,
whenever combustion is sustained in the heater.
Cutoff operation if the coolant temperature should reach 230" F
at the outlet of the heater. This cutoff shall require manual
reset to restore operation.
Protect motors against overheat and provide one or more circuit
breakers as practicable to protect circuitry against shorts or
3.8.5 Service life. When tested as specified in, the heater
sahll operate without structural failure. There shall be not more than
two occurrences of leakage or of malfunction or performance-deterioration
requiring cleaning, adjustment, or replacement of parts.
3.8.6 Electromagnetic interference, The electromagnetic interference
emission and susceptability characteristics of the heaters shall conform
to MIL-STD-461, Class III C.
3.9 Fuel pump. The electrical fuel pump furnished with each heater
shall conform to] MS51321-2. The pump shall be controlled by the control
system of the heater.
3.10 coolant pump. The coolant pump may be integral with or separate
from the heater. In either case the pump shall be controlled by the
neater control system, stall operate whenever there is sustained combustion
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