| ![]() MIL-H-3177C
when the heater control is turned on. Failure of the breaker to function
before there is any evidence of overheating of the motors or any damage
to the motors or other components, or indication of internal damage upon
disassembly after test, shall constitute failure of this test. Short circuit. Disconnect the circuit breaker from other
components and subject it to a current several times as high as normal
starting current, Failure of the breaker to function immediately shall
constitute failure of this test. Environmental. The test setup shall be as follows: Cover the
air inlet if the cover is hinged or "captive" and supplied as part of the
heater. Fit to the exhaust outlet an unsupported section of metal hose
or tube not more than 15 inches long, with its outlet turned downward.
Install quick-disconnect fuel, electric, and coolant fittings, and relief
and vent valves. Make connections to the pump and to a surge tank with at
least 12 inches of unsupported 3/4-inch ID hose on the pump inlet and the
heater outlet. Fill this coolant system with antifreeze solution. Fill
fuel system with diesel fuel. Make up electrical connections complete
including leads to source of power. Operation during environmental tests shall
not be required but after being subjected to each environment the major
assemblies may be wiped dry, cleaned with rags, brush, air-jet, water spray
detergent-solution insofar as can be done in 10 minutes by one man with-
out any disassembly requiring tools. Immediately thereafter inspect for
damage, misalinement, and leakage, then conduct check test by starting
the heater, operating, and stopping, to check for any basic malfunction.
If minor changes are made to enable the heater to pass any one test which
would be likely to reduce capability on other previously conducted tests,
the affected tests or all previous tests shall be repeated, at the dis-
cretion or the contracting officer. Rain, humidity, salt-fog, sand, and dust. Conduct the rain,
humidity, salt-fog, and sand and dust tests in accordance with MIL-STD-810,
Methods 506, 507, 509, and 510, respectively, except that limited cleanup
after test shall be permitted in accordance with above before each
start operation check. Malfunction on any check test shall constitute
failure of the test. Vibration. Conduct the vibration test in accordance with
MIL-STD-810, Method 51 4, equipment Class 5 (ground vehicles), Curve B of
Figure 514-5 except that maximum frequency shall be 400 cps, minimum 7
cps and except as otherwise specified herein. The complete heater setup
as described in shall be mounted together with the control box;
however, the surge tank need not be on the vibration table. Brackets,
straps, bolts, and shock mounts used for installation and furnished as
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