| ![]() AR)
Other publications. The following documents form a
is specification to the extent specified herein.
part of
erwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of
for bids or request for proposal shall apply.
-Dimensioning and Tolerancing
ANSI Y14.5
The Ame rican
(Application ns for copies should be addressed to
Society of Me chanical Engineers, u nited Engi ne e ring C ente r,
345 East 47 th Street, New York, NY 10017).
In th e e vent of a conflict
2.2 Order of preced ence.
between the te xt of this specificati on and t he references cited
herein, the te xt of this specificati on shall take precedence.
3.1 First article. Requirem ent s for submission of first
article shall be specified in the co ntract (see 6.2). Unless
otherwise specified (see 6.2), th e f irst article shall include
the pilot pack (see 5.1).
3.2 Mater ials, construction and design. The how itzer shall
conform t o the materials, construction and design req uirements
specified here in and on Drawing K12008000.
Di mensions and toler antes of parts and
3.2.1 Dimensions.
assemblies of the howitzer shall conform to the de tailed
drawings of Drawing K120080 0 0 . Interpretati on of the dimensi ons
and tolerances shall be in accordance with ANSI Y1 4.5.
Protective finishes
shes. Pa rts re quiri ng an i no rganic
Inorganic f i
coated a s indi cated on the
fi nish shall be finished
accorda .nc e with MI L-STD- 171.
a pplicable drawings and i
The parts and assemblies shall be Painting
painted as specified on the drawing and in accordance with
MIL-STD-171. The visible surfaces of attaching hardware (nuts/
screws, washers, etc.), exposed unpainted SUrfaCeS Of mounting
faces, or blemished areas shall be primed and painted to match
surrounding surfaces after final assembly. To avoid necessity
of painting exposed surfaces of cadmium plated hardware
(including screws, nuts and washers), the hardware may be dyed
with a supplementary chromate finish, Olive Drab 24087 of Fed.
Std. No. 595.
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