| ![]() MIL-H-46354A(Mu) Contractor design. - The contractor shall design and supply
inspection equipment compatible with the "Test Methods and Procedures"
specified in 4.6 of this specification and with the component inspection
procedures specified in "Examination" and "Test Facilities" requirements
of MIL-F-13926. Since tolerance of test equipment is normally considered
to be within 10% of" the product tolerance for which it is intended, this
inherent error in the test equipment design must be considered as part of
the prescribed product tolerance limit. Thus, concept, construction, ma-
terials, dimensions and tolerance used in the design of test equipment
shall be so selected and controlled as to insure that the test equipment
will reliably indicate acceptability of a product which does not exceed
90% of the prescribed tolerance limit, and permit positive rejection when
non-conforming. Construction shall be such as to facilitate routine cali-
bration of test equipment.
4.6 Test methods and procedures.
4.6.1 Materials. - The headrest shall be visually examined for com-
pliance with 3.2. The Government shall reserve the right to require a
chemical analysis of materials or certification thereof, to insure quality
of material in accordance with respective drawing or specification require-
ments specified herein.
4.6.2 Construction. - The headrest shall be subjected to a visual,
tactile and dimensional inspection for conformance with the construction
and configuration requirements of 3.3. Standard measuring equipment
shall be used for dimensional inspections.
4.6.3 Flexibility.- The load applied to the specimen or headrest to
determine compliance with 3.4 shall be made with a compression testing de-
vice. The device shall be equipped with a circular pressure foot with a
surface contact area of 1.0 square inch. For contract areas that do not
have this size of flat area, a pressure foot with an area of 0.5 square
inch minimum shall be used. The device shall be capable of exerting a force
of 7 3 pounds per square inch (psi) on the specimen through a force gage
with a minimum range of 10 psi, with an accuracy of 1/2 psi of full scale.
The largest flat area of uniform thickness on the specimen shall be used
as the test location. Apply the pressure gradually and in a perpendicular
plane until the pressure foot has traveled 25 2 percent of the free height
of the specimen or headrest. The force required for this compressio shall
be read from the force gage and shall not exceed the value specified.
Force readings shall be taken 15 to 30 seconds after initial application
of the force.
4.6.4 Resilience. - This test shall be conducted concurrent with the
flexibility test. Upon removal of the applied load the specimen or head-
rest shall return to within 95 percent of its original shape within the
time limit specified. Any deformation shall be measured with standard
measuring equipment.
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