| ![]() MIL-R-48408A(Mu)
4.4 Special sampling.
4.4.1 General.- Three assemblies shall be selected at random as a
special sampling from each 50 produced. The sample shall meet the re-
quirements and tests in Table II.
4.4.2 Environmental. - Three assemblies shall be selected at random
as samples from each 50 produced, or from each month's production, which-
ever occurs first. Each sample shall meet the requirements and tests in
Table III and shall then meet the requirements and tests in Table I.
TABLE III Control tests.- Three assemblies shall be selected and meet
the requirements and test of Table IV. These tests shall be conducted
as follow-up tests to the first article samples at 25%, 50%, and 75%
points of completion of the production contract.
4.4.3 Failure of sample.- Should any one item of a special sampling
fail to meet the specified test requirements, acceptance of the represent-
ed inspection lot shall be suspended by the Government until necessary
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