| ![]() MIL-H-48620(AR)
a target line which is originally perpendicular to Datum Plane "Y"
hall emerge perpendicular to Datum Plane "W" within 30 minutes of
3.8.1 Daylight andpassive viewing areas. - Resolution shall be
10 seconds of arc or less when viewing through either the daylight
or passive exit apertures with a telescope having a 1.6 inch
entrance pupil. Resolution consists of detectable line structure
and proper line count in all four meridians at one focus setting.
3.8.2 Unity power system. Resolution shall be 45 seconds of arc
or less when viewing through the unity-power exit aperture with an
observation telescope of at least 1/2 inch entrance pupil.
3.9.1 Vibration "A". - Vibration shall be applied along each of
three mutually perpendicular axes of the head assembly. The
vibration shall be sinusoidal as follows:
a. At a frequency of 5 Hertz (Hz), the acceleration shall
be .5G 10%.
b. During a frequency sweep of 5 to 9 Hz. increase
acceleration linearly from .5G to 1.5G's 10%.
c. During a frequency sweep of 9 to 500 Hz, maintain
constant acceleration of 1.5 G's 10%.
d. During a frequency sweep of 500 to 9 Hz, maintain
constant acceleration of 1.5 G's + 10%.
e. During a frequency sweep of 9 to 5 Hz, decrease
acceleration linearly from 1.5 G's to .65 G + 10%.
f. At 5 Hz, the acceleration shall be .5 G + 10%.
The frequency of applied vibration shall be swept logarithmically in
15 minute 1 minute sweep cycles for a total of two hours per axis.
The head assembly shall show no evidence of physical failure sub-
sequent to vibration. Following the vibration test, the head
assembly shall meet the requirements of 3.2, 3.5 through 3.8
inclusive and 3.10 through 3.13 inclusive.
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