| ![]() MIL-H-62185(AT)
3.6 Performance. A complete vehicle, combat loaded or with a simulated load of equal
weight (see 3.4.13) and serviced, shall perform as specified herein. Ammunition may be simulated
in size and weight. A simulated load equal in weight of the gun shall be added. Vehicle, serviced
(see 3.5.1) and equipped for existing climatic conditions, shall operate as specified without special
equipment. Unless otherwise specified, performance shall be demonstrated on smooth, level,
hard-surfaced roads free of loose material, except a section of road shall be as shown in figure 1.
3.6.1 Environmental. The vehicle shall operate in ambient air temperature of plus 115 to
minus 25F, and with special equipment (see 3.4.2) installed at temperature range of minus 25F
to minus 65F.
3.6.2 Power package and train. When power package is installed in accordance with
applicable drawings, it shall function throughout all gear and speed ranges without abnormal
noises, loss of lubricants, and damage that my cause failure of vehicle. The power train and
associated controls shall be capable of operation throughout all speed and steering ranges without
binding of linkages, objectionable noises, loss of lubricants, grabbing, and chattering or slippage
when controls are applied to control, stop, and hold vehicle.
3.6.3 Air cleaner. With a maximum air flow of 600 cubic feet per minute, the air cleaner
shall be capable of removing not less than 99.8 percent of dust and other foreign material from the
engine intake air when tested in accordance with MIL-A-62048.
3.6.4 Water removal (bilge pump). The bilge pump installed in accordance with applicable
drawings shall remove water from the vehicle at a minimum rate of 40 gallons per minute (gpm),
with a discharge head of 4 1/2 feet and with pump motor operating on 27.5 volts impressed at the
3.6.5 Speeds. Speeds no load. Vehicles shall be capable of operating at a Sustained speed of
30 mph and shall be capable of maintaining a minimum of 2.5 mph in lowest gear without towed
load. The vehicle shall be capable of obtaining a maximum speed of 34 mph. With vehicle
traveling between 25 mph and maximum speed, the drift from a straight line shall be not more
than 3 feet in 100 feet. Speeds with towed load. The vehicle shall be capable of towing a track laying free
rolling vehicle of equal weight at a sustained speed of 15 mph.
3.6.6 Acceleration. The vehicle on dry, smooth, level, hard surfaced roads free of loose
material shall from a standing start be capable of accelerating through a distance of 300 feet in not
more than 15 seconds.
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