| ![]() MIL-H-62185(AT) Elevation and depression limits. The gun mount shall be capable of movement
throughout the range of minus 2 degrees to minus 3 degrees to plus 74 degrees in elevation for all
directions of cab traverse throughout 360 degrees. Control transfer. Control shall be selective at the gunner's position and shall be
instantaneously operative when selector switch is actuated. Gunner shall have power control of
the traverse axis and the No. 1 man shall have power control of the elevation axis. When
selected, the traverse control can be transferred to the No. 1 man, thus giving him control of both
traverse and elevation. With controls in centered position, there shall be no movement of the
elevation cylinder rod or cab caused by turning the cab control switch on or off. Control system deadspot. The cab and gun control system deadspot as measured
at the controllers shall not exceed 7 degrees handle movement from neutral center in any direction
to initiate elevation cylinder rod and cab movement, for gunner's control; for No. 1 man control,
the requirement shall apply to elevation cylinder only. The neutral center shall be defined as that
handle position which divides the initial free handle movement (backlash) in half. The deadspot
angles each side of the neutral center in the traverse axis must be within 2 degrees, and the
deadspot angles in the elevation axis must be equal within 2 degrees. Hydraulic control system leakage. With the hydraulic control system fully
charged and power control handles in the neutral position, there shall be no evidence of system
pressure loss during a ten minutes period (observed at the system pressure gage). Hydraulic fluid. When all requirements of the cab control system specified herein
have been met and with all hydraulic fluid discharged from the 2 gallon accumulator, the hydraulic
fluid in the control power pack reservoir shall contain not more than 0.1 percent water. The
hydraulic fluid in the control power pack reservoir shall be free of all metallic or abrasive particles
and paint no larger than 100 microns (.004) in diameter. Hydraulic accumulator. When all requirements of the turret and gun control
system specified herein have been met and with all hydraulic fluid discharged from the 2 gallon
accumulator, the precharge nitrogen gas pressure in the 2 gallon accumulator shall be equal to the
initial gas pressure corrected for permissible leakage and temperature change. When measuring
the final precharge pressure and with the control handle in neutral position, and the cab and gun
control system pressure gage stabilized at a zero pressure setting, the system pressure gage needle
shall show no visible movement for a period of three minutes.
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