| ![]() MIL-H-62185(AT) Stowed equipment test. To determine conformance to 3.4.13, all manufacturer and
depot installed "On Vehicle Equipment" (OVE) shall be stowed (combat loaded) on the selected
vehicle. The equipment shall be removed after the test. The OVE shall be made available to the
contractor, and the contractor shall be permitted to unpackage and repackage for domestic
shipment only the equipment used for test. Cab ring friction test. To determine conformance to, one vehicle in
20 shall be selected. The turret assembly shall be rotated throughout the 360 degree rotation,
with a tangential force of 12 pounds applied at the end of the gun tube, parallel to plane of
rotation. The torque required to maintain rotation shall be measured, and checked for functional
requirements. Reservoir hydraulic fluid test. To determine conformance to, the
hydraulic oil in the control power pack shall be tested for water contamination and cleanliness. Fire extinguisher test. To determine conformance to 3.9.1 and 3.9.2, the fire
extinguisher system shall be functionally tested, both sides, subsequent tests of one in each fifty
testing alternating sides.
4.5.3 Comparison tests. The Government may select vehicles any time during the contract,
production period and subject vehicle to tests listed in table VI and table VII to reveal deficiencies
of manufacturer or design that may reduce the effective operation of these items in the field and to
compare existing quality with previous standards. These tests shall be conducted at Government
laboratories or proving grounds designated by the contracting officer. Selection of vehicles shall
be on a spot check basis. Comparison test vehicles shall be combat loaded with all on-vehicle
equipment stowed in their applicable spaces to conform to 3.4.13. Vehicle selected shall not
include any vehicle previously tested for conformance to 4.5.2 (control tests). Test failure. Failure of any vehicle tested as specified in 4.5.3 to comply with any
of the requirements specified in the contract, or any major deficiency of a workmanship or
materials nature occurring during, or as a result of the test, may be cause for refusal to continue
acceptance of vehicles by the Government until evidence has been provided by the manufacturer
that corrective action has been taken to eliminate the conditions.
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