| ![]() MIL-63192
4. 5.2.2 Howitzers.-Visually and manually examine each
howitzer to determine conformance with the applicable
Each step in the examination shall include a
visual examination for proper cleaning, the presence of the
specified protective coating and to determine the general
quality, completeness of manufacture, asembly and workmanship
(see 3.8).
Visually examine all markings to assure that they
are correct and legible. Packaqing.-Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2)
inspection to determine compliance with preservation, packing
and marking requirements of the applicable packaging
documentation, for the level designated in the contract, shall
be as specified in MIL-P-14232. Quality Inspection Plan.-The contractor shall
prepare and submit to the Government for review and approval a
Quality ,Inspection Plan. The plan shall identify the component/
assembly drawing number, describe the defect characteristic,
identify the inspection/test equipment, specify the sample size
and accept/reject numbers.
Submittal of the plan shall be to
Commamder, ARRADCOM,
DRDAR-QAR-R, Dover, NJ 07801.
Testing. Failure data.-Unless otherwise specified herein,
all tests shall be conducted on a complete howitzer. If test
requirements cited herein are not complied with, acceptance of
the howitzer shall be deferred and the contractor shall
accomplish, as applicable, the following actions:
Conduct a failure analyses study performing a
dimensional, physical and visual examination of the components
which are suspected to be the cause of failure or malfunction.
Evaluate and correct the applicable production processes
and procedures to prevent recurrence of the same defect(s) in
future production.
c* Examine howitzers, partially assembled howitzers, and
components (including components and subassemblies at in-process
or final assembly) to assure that material containing the same
defect is purged from the inventory and not presented to the
Government for acceptance.
Submit the results of the failure analysis and the
corrective actions taken to the Government for review and
approval prior to submitting a reconditioned lot or reconditioned
howitzers for retest.
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