| ![]() MIL-H-85042A(AS)
Load application. The following conditions shall apply when the hooks
are subject to loading during prestressing (see 3.8 and 4.3.1),
ultimate load (see 3.6) and dynamic load see (3.6):
All tests shall be applied vertically downward, normal to the hook
lug bearing surface.
All test loads shall be applied using the applicable test fixtures
(see 2.1).
Type IX, X, and XI test fixture drawings shall be
obtained from the contracting activity (see 6.2).
Prestress, ultimate and dynamic loads shall be applied as
specified in Tables I and II.
4.6 Inspection methods. Unless otherwise specified, the following
inspections shall be performed on all types of hooks in the sequence shown in
Tables III and IV.
4.6.1 Inspection, hooks. Each hook produced shall be thoroughly examined to
assure compliance with 3.5. Any of the following defects shall be cause for
rejection of that hook and, at the discretion of the procuring activity, the
entire related lot.
One or more dimensions out of tolerance.
Improper plating.
Thickness of plating not in accordance with the specified tolerance.
Improper hardness level.
Finish not in accordance with the specified values.
Packaging-not in accordance with contract or purchase order (see 5.).
4.6.2 Magnetic particle inspection. Each hook shall be subjected to magnetic
particle inspections in accordance with MIL-I-6868. Magnetic particle
inspections shall be performed after final machining, after heat treating, and
after prestressinge Special attention shall be given to the throat area and
pivot pin hole area of the hooks. Both the longitudinal and circular
magnetization methods shall be used. A current of 2,000 amperes minimum shall
be applied for the circular magnetization method using a copper bar at the
pivot pin hole and throat. A 2,000 ampere current shall also be used for the
longitudinal magnetization method. There shall be no evidence of cracks,
seams, discontinuity of surface or other detrimental defects in any region of
the hook, except for surface indentations on the lug bearing surface which
occur as a result of the prestress operation. Cracks in the plating along the
restress indentation line are acceptable. Chipping of the plating or any of
the defects listed above shall be cause for rejection.
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