| ![]() MIL-H-8891A
Inspection - The hydraulic system installation of one
of the first complete experimental and production vehicles shall be subject
to inspection for conformance to the requirements of this specification by
engineering representatives of the procuring activity. It is expected that
this inspection will be performed at the contractor's plant concurrently
with similar engineering inspections of other systems of the vehicle.
Detailed arrangements for the inspection will be the subject of correspond-
ence between the procuring activity and the contractor.
Vibration - The hydraulic system of the first flight
vehicle shall be test-to first flight to determine if any destruc-
tive vibration occurs as the result of any and all combinations of engine
and hydraulic pump speed, and hydraulic pump flows and pressures. Hydraulic
lines, hoses and their supports, fittings, and all components shall be
checked. Corrective action shall be taken on any discrepancies.
Ground and flight tests - Ground and flight tests
shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-T-5522, modified as necessary,
except that this specification shall be used where any reference to MIL-
H-5440 is made therein.
Cleaning of parts and systems - To assure that the
hydraulic system is free of contamination, all parts of the hydraulic
system shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to installation and each new
hydraulic system shall be operated at least 10 times in order to insure
filtration of all circulating fluid. Ground equipment which is used for
this cleaning process shall be provided with filters with the same, or
finer degree, of filtration used in the vehicle system. Dead-end lines
in the system shall be properly connected with jumpers to completely
clean such lines. If the filter element in the hydraulic system is
used during this operation, it shall be replaced.
This section is not applicable to this specification.
Intended use - The design and installation require-
ments covered by this specification are applicable to manned flight
vehicle hydraulic systems such as the utility system, the flight control
system, various subsystms, and component installation procedures for
type III (-65 to +390 F) temperature range. The requirements of this
specification are general as applicable to hydraulic systems and are based
on Service experience to date. Requirements of this specification may be
waived for specific applications upon presentation of substantiating data
to the procuring activity, l s l pplicable, and approval by such l ctivity.
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