| ![]() MIL-H-904J
4.3.2 Failures Failure in any of the applicable examinations or tests shall be cause for refusal
to grant qualification.
4.4 First article inspection for class 3 hoists. First article inspection shall be conducted on
each type and rated load of class 3 hoist and shall consist of the examination specified in 4.6 and
the tests specified in 4.7.1 through 4.7.9 (see 6.3). For shock-resistant hoists, first article approval
of grade A shock will include grade B and standard hoists (non-shock-resistant), if requested by the
contractor. First article approval of grade B will include standard hoists (non-shock-resistant), if
requested by the contractor.
4.4.1 Casting inspection for class 3 hoists. A minimum of two test bars per heat, heat treated
in the same manner as the castings, shall be used for determination of physical characteristics of
the heat (see 6.3). If after first article inspection has been completed, a change is made in the
source of aluminum alloy castings or in the casting procedures, the contractor shall conduct tests
and other checks to verify that the castings to be supplied meet the same acceptance criteria as
those used in the hoists subjected to first article inspection. Steel castings for load-bring parts
of class 3 hoists shall be radiographed to assure sound castings for the intended service, and in
addition shall be subjected to magnetic particle or liquid penetrant inspection. The acceptability
of castings subject to radiographic examination shall be based upon the radiographic standards for
castings specified in MIL-STD-278 for criticality level 1. The acceptability of castings subject to
surface inspection shall be class 2 in accordance with NAVSHIPS 0900-LP-003-8000.
4.4.2 Sample for first article inspection. Prior to beginning production, a sample of each type
and capacity of class 3 hoists shall be examined and tested as specified in 4.4 (see 6.6). Hoists
furnished for first article inspection shall not be included for delivery.
4.5 Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shall be conducted on
a production hoist prior to delivery and shall consist of visual examination (see 4.6.1) and test
groups A (see, B (see and C (see Group C tests shall be conducted only
when specified (see 6.2).
4.5.1 Class 3 hoist. There shall be no deviation of subsequent units of the same design and
type of class 3 hoist in design, construction, manufacturing process, testing, or materials from the
completion of the first article inspection.
4.5.2 Lot. A lot shall consist of all hoists of the same class, type, and capacity offered for
inspection at one time.
4.5.3 Sampling for visual examination. Sampling for visual examination of class 1 and 2 hoists
shall be conducted in accordance with table VIII (see 6.9). Each class 3 hoist shall be examined,
and no defects are permitted Visual examination for defects shall be in accordance with 4.6.1.
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