| ![]() percent elongation
B - Measurement of elongation.
4.5.2 -
The 14-inch t e s t specimen
be marked so that
a d i s t a n c e of 10 inches is between t h e gage marks and rhea shall be stretched
from a clamp
such a manner as to allow the seven
by suspending the
pound, 10.5
weight to be hung on the lower end and held there for 24
hours under laboratory conditions. The sample shall then be released and
The extension remaining shall be measured
allowed to rest for 10
expressed as a percentage of the o r i g i n a l d i s t a n c e between the gage marks.
The calculation of permanent set s h a l l be calculated as follows:
after permanent set.
The gage o f rubber shall be determined by counting
Gage of rubber.
contained in one inch. The
of strands, laid s i d e by
the a c t u a l
gage is equivalent t o the actual
of rubber
contained i n
be u t i l i z e d
measures the gage of the rubber yarns
results are comparable.
on-packaging s h a l l be level A or C
Preservation-packaging, Pres
as specified (see 6 . 2 ) .
Level A . Each head net shall be p o s i t i o n e d flat
its crown
in the center. Ten head n e t s , so prepared, shall
the n e t t i n g folded
t o type I, variety 1,
be p l a c e d f l a t in
set-up paperboard box
class A , s t y l e 3 or 4 of
I n s i d e dimensions of each box shall be
12-1/2 inches
inches in w i d t h , and 3 inches in depth.
notch requirement is optional. Box closure s h a l l be in accordance
the appendix of t h e box specification.
Level C. Head n e t s shall be preserved-packaged to afford adequate
shipment from t h e
p r o t e c t i o n a g a i n s t physical damage
contractor may use his standard practice
when it meets this requirement.
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