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d. Number of items in the lot.
e. Date submitted.
The certificate shall be signed by a responsible agent of the
certifying orgtanization. The initial certificate submitted
shall be substantiated by evidence of the agent's authority to
bind his principal. Substantiation of the agent's authority
will not be required with subsequent certificates unless,
during the course of the contract, this authority is vested in
another agent of the certifying organization.
4.2 First Article Inspection
4.2.1 Submission. - The contractor shall submit a first
article sample as designated by the contracting officer for
evaluation in accordance with the provisions of 4.2.2. The
first article sample shall consist of twenty-five (25) loaded
igniters and ten (10) complete sets of parts (I.e., ten (10) of
each individual component and ten (10) of each subassembly)
which have been produced by the contractor or furnished by a
supplier and which have been manufactured using the same
production processes, procedures and equipment which will be
used in fulfilling the contract. All parts and materials,
including packaging and packing, shall be obtained from the
same source of supply as will be used in regular production.
Prior to submission, the contractor shall inspect the sample
to the degree necessary to assure that It conforms to the
requirements of the contract and submit a record of findings.
A sample containing known defects will not be submitted unless
specifically authorized, by the Contracting Officer. A first
article sample, or portion thereof, as directed by the
Contracting Officer, shall also be submitted whenever there is
a lapse in production for a period In excess of 90 days or
whenever a change occurs in manufacturing process, material
used, drawing or specification such as to significantly
affect product uniformity as determined by the Government.
4.2.2 Inspections to be performed. - Assemblies,
subassemblies and components will be subjected by the Government
to any or all of the examinations or tests specified in 4.3.2
and 4.3.3 of this specification and any or all requirements
of the applicable drawings.
4.2.3 Rejection. - If any assembly, subassembly or
component falls to comply with any of the applicable require-
ments, the. First Article Sample shall be rejected. The
Govenrment reserves the right to terminate its inspection upon
any failure of an assembly, subassembly or component to comply

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