| MIL-I-12822C(MU)
contractor shall select at least one (1) random sample of
approximately one ounce of black powder from the container
of powder in use for each eight hours of production or fraction
thereof that the line operates. Failure to comply with the
applicable requirement, shall be cause for rejection of the
eight hours production represented by the sample. The test
shall be performed as specified in 4.4.1. Pull test of delay assemblies (see dwg. 7548442) -
Major defect - Code No. 12001. - The pull test shall be
conducted 100 percent in the manner specified in 4.4.2. Damage
to or extension of the parts shall be cause for rejection of
the assembly. Vacuum test (see dwg. 7548439) - Major defect -
Code No. 06006. - The vacuum test shall be conducted 100 percent
in the manner specified in 4.4.3. Any assembly exhibiting
leakage shall be rejected and removed from the lot. Functioning test (see 3.4) - Major defect -
Code No. 06007. At 120 degrees F. - The
sampling plan for this
test shall be in accordance with Standard
MIL-STD-414, Section B,
Table B-1, Code letter K with AQL of 0.65
percent for each
limit separately. Duels shall be replaced
with additional
igniters. The test shall be performed as
specified in 4.4.4. At 0 degrees F. - The sampling plan for this
test shall be as specified in Duds. - If no duds are discovered during the
performance of either, or both, phases of the test, the lot
may be accepted. If one or two duds are discovered in either
phase, a second sample of 70 igniters shall be selected, to test
for duds only., under the conditions of the particular phase in
which the duds occurred. If at any time during the test, or
retest, a total of 3 duds occur, the lot shall be rejected
without further test.
4.3.4 Inspecition Equipment - Equipment Tabulation Number
ET-7548439 identifies the inspection equipment required to
perform the examinations and tests prescribed in this section.
The contractor shall design inspection equipment in accordance
with the instructions in paragraph 6.3. Government rights to documentation. - Inspection
equipment drawings and lists provided and revised in accordance
with the-requirements of the ET may be used by DOD activities
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