| ![]() MIL-I-13145(Ord)
4.6 Functioning. -Additional sample igniters shall be conditioned in accordance
with the procedure specified for the vacuum test (see 4.5) and then shall be
completely submerged (including lead wires) under a depth of 11 to 12 inches of
water at 70
for a period of 4 hours minimum. Each sample be proof-fired
in a circuit (see figure 2) within a minutes after removal from the water to
determine compliance with 3.4. The ; igniters shall be proof-fired confined in a
steel tube 14 1/2" long by .9 /.l ' inside diameter by 1/16" minimum wall thickness.
Prior to connection of the igniter assemblies to the test circuit, the circuit
shall be prepared for firing by measuring the resistance of the connection wires
from switch "S" (see figure 2) to the igniter assembly. The resistor "r" shall
then be set to 1.00 ~ .05 ohm plus the measured connector wire resistance. Switch
"S" shall be closed on resistor "r" and the resistor "R" so adjusted that
milliapmeter (MA) reads 545 5 milliamperes. Switch "S" shall be opened several
seconds and then closed again; the current shall reproduce within 5 milliamperes.
Following preparation of the test circuit, the assemblies shall be fired using
the circuit shown in figure 2, behind a suitable barricade. Before every third
or fourth firing, or before the first firing after a period of inactivity, the
current shall be checked by closing switch "S" on resistor "r" and readjusting
resistor "R" if necessary. The battery shall be discarded if the current becomes
highly unstable, or if its voltage, measured with a voltmeter whose sensitivity
is 110 ohms per volt or better, is less than 2.8 volts when no other current
is being drawn from the battery.
5.2 Data cards. -Data card information shall be as specified in Specification
NOTICE: This specification, together with specification and drawings
pertaining to it and bearing a "Notice" of similar restrictions, is intended
for use only in connection with procurement by the United States Government;
and shall not be reproduced either wholly or in part except when authorized in
connection with Government procurement, nor be used for any other purpose except
when specifically authorized by the Chief of Ordnance.
Army-Ordnance Corps
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