| ![]() MIL-I-19028E(OS) CW electromagnetic interference shall be measured using
an average detector. The method employed shall be either the substitu-
tion of an unmodulated sine wave or by precalibration of the field in-
tensity meter using a sine wave generator. Impulsive electromagnetic interference shall be measured
using a slideback peak detector up to 30 mHz for repetition rates less
than 10 pulses per second (pps) and above 30 mHz for repetition rates
less than 100 pps.
4.4.9 Visual and dimensional examinations. Each inverter shall be
examined to determine conformance with the requirements for workman-
ship and dimensions.
4.4.10 Packaging, packing, and marking. Packaging, packing, and
marking shall comply with the requirements of Section 5.
4.5 Reproduction and periodic production inspection. The preproduc-
tion and periodic production samples, after satisfactorily passing the
quality conformance inspections detailed in 4.4, shall be subjected to
the following tests and examinations. Certified inspection data covering
the results of preproduction and periodic production inspections shall
be forwarded to the procuring activity.
4.5.1 Vibration Mounting. The inverter, less pack or packaging, shall be
mounted rigidly to a vibration device by means of the mounting holes
shown in Dwg 1263725 and tested as specified in and Vibration, nonoperating. The inverter shall be subjected
to the "Vibration, nonoperating" test of MIL-E-82590 and thereafter
shall meet the requirements of Vibration, operating . The inverter shall be subjected to
the "Vibration, operating" test of MIL-E-82590 and during and there-
after shall meet the requirements of
4.5.2 Temperature and humidity High temperature and humidity, nonoperating. The inverter
shall be subjected to the "High temperature and humidity, nonoperating"
test of MIL-E-82590 and thereafter shall meet the requirements of High temperature, operating.
The inverter shall be subjected
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