| ![]() MIL-I -21400 (Aer)
Total Weight - The total weight of the equipment, excluding cables, shall
3. 2.4
be a minimum consistent with good design and shall not exceed 8 pounds.
Operational Stability - The equipment shall operate with optimum perform-
3. 2.5
ance for 100 hours, continuously or intermittently, without the necessity for readjustment of' any
controls which are inaccessible during flight.
Operating Life
Reliable Installed Operating Life - The equipment shall have a reliable
.3. 2.6.1
installed operating life of at least 1000 hours without removal for bench servicing. Parts requiring
servicing or replacement at the end of this interval to renew this service life shall be specified
by the manufacturer.
Total Installed Operating Life - The equipment shall have a minimum total
3. 2 6. 2
operating life of six years with reasonable servicing and replacement of parts. Parts requiring
replacement within this interval and the life of such puts shall be specified by the manufacturer.
Interconnection Cabling - This equipment shall be capable of satisfactory
3. 2,7
operation using external wiring in accordance with the applicable requirements of Specification
MIL-W-5088. The external wiring shall be unshielded, except that a minimum number of the
individual wires may be shielded when demonstrated as necessary to meet interference control
requirements and provided the assembly of the cable to its plugs may be easily accomplished.
Cables and Connectors - The equipment shall provide for the use of cables
3. 2. 8
and connectors in accordance with Specification MIL-E-5400. However, external cables and
that portion of the connectors attached to the cables shall not be supplied as part of the equipment.
Console Controls - The equipment shall be satisfactory for mounting in a
3. 2.9
console arrangement when used in aircraft. This equipment shall meet the applicable require-
ments of Specification MIL-C-6781 and shall have a plastic lighting plate conforming to Specifi-
cation MIL- P-7788. The lamps shall be connected in parallel with one side grounded to the chassis
of the unit and the other side connected to a separate contact, in the electrical connector recep-
tacle. of the unit, for connection to an external+ 28-volt input lead. The brilliance of the lamps
will be controlled externally and the brilliance control shall not be part of this equipment. The
arrangement of controls and all lettering and markings proposed for use on the front panel of
the equipment shall be approved by the Bureau of Aeronautics prior to fabrication of any complete
units. All dial settings shall be direct reading (e. g: 0475 yards)
Input Power Requirements - The equipment shall meet all applicable requirem-
ents of Specification MIL-E-7894 and shall give specified performance from the following power
source with characteristics as defined in Specification MIL-E-7894 having limits as specified
hereinafter. The power required shall not exceed the specified amount:
(1) DC power 28-volt system
24 to 30 volts
Operating voltage limits
. Reduced performance voltage . 24 to 30 volts.
limits .
15 amps into a 2.5 mh inductive
load intermittent for firing an ex-
ternal load, plus 2 amps continuous
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