| ![]() MIL-I -21400 (Aer)
General - Equipments shall be subjected to the following tests to deter-
mine conformance with all the applicable requirements:
(1) Preproduction Tests
(2) Acceptance . .
. . " (3) . Life Test
Preproduction Tests - Preproduction tests shall be made on one or more
equipments representative of the production equipments to be supplied under the contract. Pre-
production tests shall consist of the following:
(.1) Contractor's Demonstration Tests . . .
(2) Service Approval Tests "
. Contractor's Demonstration Tests - Contr-actor's demonstration tests .
shall be accomplished under the responsibilIty of the contractor and shall be conducted in accord-
ance with the approved test procedure of 4.5. Data obtained by the contractor in conducting these
"tests shall be submitted to the Bureau of Aeronautics for review and approval prior to shipping
the equipment to the" specified destination for service approval tests. The Government Inspector
and the Bureau of Aeronautics shall be advised when tests are to be conducted so that a repre-
sentative may be designated to witness or supervise the tests when so desired. Contractors not
having adequate facilities to conduct all required tests shall obtain the services of a commercial
testing laboratory satisfactory to the Bureau pf Aeronautics.
Service Approval Tests - The service approval model shall consist of one
equipment representative of the production equipment to be supplied under the contract. This
may be the same equipment that was subjected to the contractor's demonstration tests. This
equipment shall be delivered to the destination specified by the Bureau of Aeronautics. When
the tests of 4. 2.1 are supervised, the Bureau of Aeronautics may, when conducting service
approval tests, omit all tests which will duplicate tests previously conducted by the contractor;
however, in conducting service approval tests, the Bureau of Aeronautics reserves the right to . .
repeat any test previously conducted when deemed necessary.
Accessory Material - In addition to the complete equipment submitted for
. . service approval tests, the contractor shall also submit the accessory material and design and
test data specified in Specification MIL-E-5400. The design and test data shall include the data
obtained by the contractor in testing to Specification MIL-E-5422. This information shall indicate
the physical and electrical characteristics of the equipment and establish the equipment's com-
pliance with applicable requirements.
Scope of Tests - Preproduction tests shall include all tests deemed neces-
sary to determine that the equipment meets all the requirements of this specification and the con-
tract. Preproduction tests shall include environmental tests in accordance with Specification
MIL-E- 5422 and interference tests in accordance with Specification MIL-I-6181. The sampling
and testing of plastic lighting plates shall be in accordance with-Specification MIL-P-7788.
Preproduttion Approval - Approval of the preproduction model shall be
by the Bureau of Aeronautics upon satisfactory completion of all tests. NO production equipments
shall be delivered prior to the approval of the preproduction model. Prefabrication of production
equipment prior to the approval of the preproduction model is at the contractor's own risk. The
approved preproduction model will be returned to the contractor for his use in the fabrication and
testing of equipment to be submitted for acceptance. The preproduction model shall not be con-
sidered as one of the equipments under the contract; however, it may be reworked by the con-
tractor and submitted for acceptance as a production equipment.
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