| ![]() MIL-I-23145B
Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection consists
of examinations and tests performed on individual products or lots to
determine conformance of the products or lots to the requirements set
forth in this specification (see 4.4 through
4.3 First article,
4.3.1 First article samples. Unless otherwise specified, as soon as practicable
after_ the award of-the contract or order, the manufacturer shall submit twelve
inflation assemblies. The samples shall be representative of the construction,
workmanship, components, and materials to be used during production. When a con-
tractor is in continuous production of these inflation assemblies from contract to
contract, submission of further first article samples on the new contract may be
waived at the discretion of the acquiring activity (see 6.2. 1c). Approval of the
first article samples or the waiving of the first article inspection does not preclude
the requirements for performing the quality conformance inspection. The first
article samples shall be forwarded as specified in the contract or order (see
1d). First article sample approval. Upon completion of the first article
inspection program, recommendations and comments pertinent for use in monitoring
production will be forwarded by the Government activity responsible for the in-
spection program (see 6.2.1d) to the contracting officer. Two of the approved first
article inspection sample assemblies will be returned to the manufacturer for use in
monitoring production. The other ten will be destroyed in the first article in-
spection and shall not be considered as part of the quantity to be delivered under
the contract.
4.3.2 First article inspection. The first article inspection Of the life Pre
server inflation assemblies shall consist of the examination and tests specified in
table I.
4.4 Quality conformance inspection. The sampling and inspection levels shall
conform to MIL-STD-105. The quality conformance inspection shall consist of the
following examinations and tests:
Dimensional check of the piercing pins
Visual examination of the inflation assemblies
Dimensional check of the inflation assemblies
Leakage at 40 psig
Leakage at 2 psig
Piercing pin position and travel and lever operation
Operation with carbon dioxide filled cylinder
Hydrostatic pressure
4.4.1 Sampling. Inspection lot.
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