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Page Title: Breaking strength of the lanyard assembly
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4.6.9  Hydrostatic pressure.  An applicable discharged carbon dioxide cylinder
shall be installed in the inflation assembly as specified in  The lever
shall be in the actuated position during this inspection.  The actuated position is
considered to be the position of the lever after the piercing pin has punctured the
carbon dioxide filled cylinder as specified in 4.6.6.  A hydrostatic pressure of
1500 psig shall be applied to the outlet of the inflation assembly for a minimum of
5 minutes.  While the pressure is applied, the inflation assembly shall be observed
for leakage and deformation.
4.6.10 Breaking strength of the lanyard assembly.  The breaking strength of the
lanyard assembly shall be determined by securing the lever to the upper jaw of a
suitable inspection apparatus and the knob, in a suitable jig, shall be attached to
the bottom jaw.  The portion of the lever containing the cord shall be between the
upper and lower jaws.  The speed of the inspection apparatus under no load shall be .
The jaws shall be separated until failure occurs. When
12 + 1/2 inches per minute.
applicable, the cord, looped through the eye of the release pin of the type II
inflation assembly, shall hang free and shall not be attached to any jaw of the
inspection apparatus.
4.6.11 Salt spray.  The inflation assembly shall be exposed to salt spray for 100
hours in accordance with FED-STD-151, method 811.  The inflation assembly shall be
exposed in a vertical position with the opening at the top and in a manner that the
conditioned air circulates completely around the inflation assembly.  Upon com-
pletion of the salt spray, the inflation assembly shall be examined for conformance
to 3*4.9.  Upon completion of this examination, the inflation assembly shall be
subjected to the operation with the carbon dioxide filled cylinder inspection,
Packaging shall be level A or Industrial, as specified (see 6.2).
5.1 Packaging.
5.1.1 Level A,  Each inflation assembly shall be cleaned in accordance with MIL-
P-116, process C-1 and preserved and packaged in accordance with MIL-P-116, method
IC-3.  No contact preservative is required.  The top and bottom gaskets shall be
heat sealed within a clear snug fitting bag of 0,00125 + 20 percent inch thick
The bagged gaskets shall be placed in a draw string type cloth bag.  The
bag shall be closed and then attached, by the draw string, to the outlet portion of
the inflation assembly. Unit package.  Each inflation assembly, after cleaning and attaching the
cloth bag containing the gaskets, shall be-placed into a clear polyethylene bag. A
paper label shall also be inserted for identification (see 5.3.1).  The inflation
assembly shall then be heat sealed within a snug fitting polyethylene bag of 0.00125
+ 20 percent inch thick material.  The heat seal seams shall be straight, continuous
and parallel to each other and the edges of the polyethylene bag.  The closing heat
seal seam shall be as close as possible to the edge of the bag.  Prior to or during
the heat sealing operation, excess air shall be expelled to the extent necessary to
permit packaging of the required quantity of inflation assemblies in the container,
The sealed inflation assembly shall be suitably cushioned with cellulosic material
conforming to PPP-C-843, type II, class A or B and packaged within a snug fitting

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