| ![]() MIL-I-23453(WEP)
Pelletized Pyrotechnic composition. - The pelletized pyrotech-
nic composition shall comply with the requirements of OS 10379.
Cotton. - Cotton packing shall be long staple. Moisture con-
tent shall not exceed 2.0 percent. The cotton shall I be free from foreign material.
Basket Coating. - The wire mesh basket of the body and basket
assembly shall be completely coated with a coating solution, except for the open-
ing in the bottom of the basket which is normally used for loading. This coating
shall I be adequate to provide a moisture - proof seal after the closure plug is cemen- -
ted in place. The basket coating solution shall comply with the requirements of
OS 10377.
Electrical Resistance. - The resistance of the igniter circuit
measured between the igniter grounding post and the igniter cable assembly shall I
be 0.07 to 0.15 ohms.
Performance. - When the igniter is fired in a closed chamber in
accordance with 4.6.2, the results shall comply with the following requirements:
The time to first indication of pressure shall I be no greater than
0.015 seconds.
The time required to attain a gage pressure of 200 pounds per
square inch shall be 0.045* 0.015 seconds. When tested from -85F to +175F.
The maximum gage pressure obtained in the chamber shall I be be-
tween 400 and 650 pounds per square inch.
Workmanship. - The workmanship shall be that required by the best
industrial practices governing the quantity production of analogous parts, maintain-
ing the dimensions, finishes, tolerances, and quality specified herein and on appli-
cable drawings, specifications and inspection manuals
The supplier is responsible for the performance of al I inspection re-
quirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the supplier may
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