| ![]() MIL-I-23453 (WEP)
Ordering Data.
- Procurement documents should specify the fol -
(a) Full name of item, including Mk and Mod numbers
(b) Title, number, and date of this specification
(c) Preproduction lot size, when required
(d) Maximum lot size, when required .
(e) Drawing numbers and other applicable documents
Safety Precautions. -The loading, assembly and handling of the
igniter and relate explosive components thereof, covered by this specification in-
volve hazardous operations and therefore require the observance of suitable explo-
sives safety precautions. Use of this specification should not be construed to relieve
the contractor or the manufacturer of responsibility for the safety of his operations.
Listed below are the minimum provisions which a contractor or manufacturer of the
igniter should observe in order to fulfill his responsibility for safety. At Bureau of
Naval Weapons and other Government plants these provisions are mandatory. Such
other warnings and precautions, which effect the operatin effectiveness or safety
during use of the igniter, are included in the detail provisions of this specification.
All loading operations should be conducted in a neat and orderly
Personnel handling the loaded igniter and related parts which affect
functioning should, insofar as practicable, avoid using bare fingers or improper equip-
ment in order to prevent damage, corrosion or deterioration from perspiration or other
contaminating deposits.
The exposure of explosive materials and related park should be so
controlled as to minimize the absorption of moisture from the atmosphere or other
sources during loading and handling operations.
All explosives and completely or partially loaded items should be
stored in suitable storage magazines located in accordance with the American Table
of Distances (ATD). While in process, assemblies and subassemblies should be stored
in safety lockers or chests when in loading rooms. All storage should be in adequate
ready for service magazines, located in accordance with introplant distances, when
outside of loading rooms.
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