| ![]() MIL-I-46390(MU)
4.5.2 Electrical test.
terials. A visual examination shall be made
for missing, damaged and loose internal Reset button. When 28 Vdc is
mechanical and electronic parts. Any one
applied by means of item 1 of to
defect shall be cause for rejection unless
pins A B C & D of J4 as specified in 3.6,
separate defects per hundred type sampling
and the reset button is depressed, the zero
plans have been established and approved
indicator lamp shall be energized when the
by the Government as part of the contrac-
stepping switch is in the zero position and
tors inspection system. Interconnecting
a voltage reading is taken between pins S
boxes which have passed this examination
shall be subjected to the following tests
and T of J1. This reading shall be within
prior to determining conformance with 3.6.
the limits specified in 3.6.1. Should the
indicator fail to energize apply pressure on Shock. This test shall be per-
the lens. Should the indicator become en-
formed as outlined in 8.5.2 and Procedure
ergized, the switch is to be considered de-
I of Specification MIL-F-13926. At the
fective. Should the indicator fail to en-
ergize when the lens is depressed the bulb
conclusion of this test the panel shall meet
the requirements of 3.5.2.
is defective. Should the indicator become
energized, check for continuity between
pins B of J4 and S of J1 and between pins Temperature tests.
L and K of J8 when the reset button is de- Operating temperature. With
pressed. Lack of continuity indicates a de-
fective switch.
the interconnecting box placed in the test
equipment ( (c) ), the requirements
of 3.6 shall be met at each of the tempera- Operation of Relays K25 and
tures specified in Raising and low-
K3O. Prior to applying voltages specified
ering to the specified temperatures shall be
in 3.6 by means of item 1 of, connect
done gradually to avoid thermal shock The
a jumper between pin B-F of J7 and A of
temperature tolerances shall be in conform-
J1. Energize the pins specified in 3.6. by
ance with the "Test facilities" requirements
means of item 1 of 4,4.1.2. Voltage read-
of Specification MIL-F-13926, including
ings shall be taken (using item 2 of
the conditions specified for testing.
at the pins specified in 3.6.2. The voltage
reading shall conform to the values speci- Storage temperature. This test
fied in 3.6.2 (a) and 3.6.2 (b).
shall be performed in accordance with the
conditions and temperatures specified in Operation of Relay K26. Prior At the conclusion of this test pro-
to applying the voltage to the pins outlined
cedure the interconnecting box shall be
in 3.6, by means of item 1 of, con-
tested for conformance with the require-
nect a jumper between pins Z and G of J1.
ments of 3.6 at standard ambient tempera-
This jumper is in addition to that jumper
specified in 4.5.2, Apply the voltage to the
pins specified in 3.6 and measure the volt- Moisture-Fungus resistance. This
age (using item 2 of between the
test shall be performed in accordance with
pins listed in 3.6.3 (a) and 3.6.3 (b).
the Moisture-Fungus Resistance tests out-
lined in Specification MIL-T-162 (Type II) Operation of Relay K27, zero
to determine compliance with 8.6.5.
and operation of stepping
switch. Prior to applying the voltage out Humidity. This test shall be per-
formed as outlined in Procedure I of Speci-
lined in 3.6 (using item 1 of, con-
fication MIL-F-13926, however, the time
nect a jumper between the pins of either
limits specified in 3.5.4 shall apply.
Z and X of J1 or A and B of J1. This
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