| ![]() MIL-I-46390(MU) Continuity.
Remove all power
(item 4 of to pins F and common
ground f of J5. Connect pin H and com-
and jumpers and by means of a continuity
mon ground f of J5 to the scope's second
checker (item 3 of, determine that
channel. When the push button switch is
continuity exists between the pins outlined
in 3.6.9 within the limits specified.
closed a voltage from pin H shall appear
on the scope, and a second voltage from pin
F shall appear on the scope. The voltages
and time lag between voltages recorded on
the scope shall conform to the requirement
5.1 Packaging, packing and marking.
of 3.6.6 and Repeat this proce-
Packaging, packing and marking shall be
dure substituting pin S for II and pin M for
in accordance with Specification MIL-P-
F on J5.
14232 and Packaging Data Sheet MIL-P-
14232/P8932942. The level of protection Relay K28 Operation. Prior to
shall be as specified in the procurement
determining proper operation of Relay K28,
observe that continuity (using item 2 of does not exist between the follow-
ing pins: E of J1 and H of J6, E and U
of Jl, C and W of J1 and between C of J1
6.1 Intended use.
The interconnecting
and E of J6. Next check for continuity be-
box is intended to:
tween V of J1 and F of J6. Place a jumper
between pins B of J7 and E of J1 Ener-
gize the pins of J1 as outlined in 3.6 (item
(a) Provide for the electrical connec-
1 of, and measure the voltage be-
tion between the system compo-
tween pins H of J6 and G of J7, and be-
tween U of J1 and G of J7. This voltage
reading shall be within the limits specified
(b) Provide for resetting the stepping
in 3.6.7(a). Place jumper between pins
switch to the zero position.
F and H of J6. Zero voltage shall be re-
corded between pins G of J7 and V of J1
(c) Provide visual indication, when the
as specified in 3.6.7(b). Remove jumper
stepping switch is in the zero
from pin E of J1 and connect it to pin
C of J1. Measure the voltage between pins
E of J6 and G of J? and between G of J7
6.2 Ordering data. Procurement docu-
and W of J1. This voltage reading must
ments should specify the following:
be within the limits outlined in
(a) Title, number and date of this spec- Diode CR 96. Remove all previ-
ously mentioned jumpers and connect a
j u m p e r between pin B of J7 and G of J6.
(b) Selection of applicable levels of
Apply the voltage by using item 1 of
preservation, packaging and
to the pins of J4 as specified in 3.6. Meas-
ure the voltage (using item 2 of be-
tween pins G and E of J7. This voltage
(c) Applicable stock number.
must conform to the limits outlined in 3.6.8.
Preparing activity:
Project No. 1270-AO02Y
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