| ![]() MIL-I -50412 (MU)
4 .3,2.4 Bridge ribbon (see drawing 9204181 covering a detail
of drawing 9204185).
4.3.3 Testing
4,3.3.1 Stability (see 3.2), Major defect, Code No. 05001. -A
stability heat test at 120 degrees C shall be performed in accor-
dance with MIL-STD-286, Method 404.1.2. A random sample of five
test specimens of 2.5 grams each shall be tested for each lot of
propellant. Failure of any sample to meet the requirement of 3.2
is cause for lot rejection, Bulk Density (see 3.3), Major defect, Code No. 06001.-
Lot sampling shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-414, Inspection
Level TV with an AQL of 0.40 percent. Bulk density of individual
front supports shall be determined in accordance with ASTM-D-792
using water as the Immersion liquid. If the sample fails the
acceptance criteria the lot shall be rejected (see 6.6).
4.3,3.3 Relative Quickness (see 3.4), Major defect, Code No.
07001. -The relative quickness of the front support shall be determined
at 8500 psi using a sufficient number of randomly selected front
supports per lot to provide a loading density of 0.2g/cc In a nominal
200 cc closed bomb. A minimum of six separate tests shall be
conducted for each lot. Testing shall be In accordance with
MIL-STD-286, Method 801.1 and shall be conducted at 70 + 2F. If
the average of the SIX values obtained falls the requiremetn of 3.4,
the lot of front supports shall be rejected. Crush strength (see 3.5), Major defect, Horizontal
direction Code No. 08001, Vertical direction Code No. 08002. -Lot
sampling for each defect shall in accordance with MIL-STD-414,
Inspection level IV with an AQL of 0.40 percent. Crush strength
in each direction shall be determined in accordance with ASTM-D-1621.
If either sample fails the acceptance criteria, the lot shall be
rejected (see 6.6).
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