| ![]() MIL-I-50412 (MU)
calculation or clarification will not be required. Unless
otherwise specified, contractor designs may be developed on the
procedure provided such format reflects the detail and information
specified above, subject to the following controls: All submitted
contractor designs shall conform to MIL-D-1OOO, Caterory E, Form 2.
Legibility and reproducibility shall permit conventional marking
of clearly understandable, high contrast reproduction. Contractors
shall submit one copy of final designs as a rolled set. Designs
shall be submitted for approval as specified in 6.3.5.
6.3.5 Submission of contractor designs. -Designs shall be
submitted for approval to the Commanding Officer, Picatinny
Arsenal, ATTN: SMUPA-ND12
Design review will normally be
accomplished within one month after receipt by Picatinny Arsenal.
Partial submission of inspection equipment designs Is permissible
and encouraged. However, , the Arsenal completion date for design
review will be based on the date of final submission of designs.
6.4 Submission of first article sample.-Instructlons as
to the location for the evaluation of first article samples shall
be obtained from the contracting officer. Upon receipt of such
request , the contracting officer shall advise Picatinny Arsenal and
instructions will be issued accordingly. All Inquiries should
be forwarded to: Commanding Officer, Picatinny Arsenal , ATTN:
SMUPA-NK1, Dover, New Jersey, 07801
6.5 Relative Quickness. -Comparison shall be made with M26E1
propellant to assure satisfactory ignition delay.
6.6 MIL-STD-414. -Estimates of lot percent defective for
bulk density, horizontal crush strength and vertical crush strength
shall be calculated as In Example B-2.
Preparing Activity:
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