| ![]() MIL-I-51175(MU)
The components of the kit, preserved and Intermediate packaging.
unit packaged as specified in, shall be intermediately packaged in a W5c,
s t y l e RSC fiberboard box conforming to Specification PPP-B-636. Internal
cushioning and blocking shall be used as required to make a tight package. In
addition to the closure and reinforcement requirements specified for interior boxes,
the box corners, seams, and manufacturer's joint shalI be taped, except that
pressure sensitive tape conforming to Specification PPP-T-76 shalI be used.
The components of the instalIation kit shall be cleaned and
5.2.2 Level C.
dried as specified in 5.1 and preserved and packaged to afford adequate protection
from the supply source to the first receiving activity for immediate use.
Levels shall be as specified (see 6.2).
T h e installation kits, packaged as specified in 5.2, shall be
packed, not to exceed the weight I imitations of the container, in an overseas type
o r class, style optional container conforming to Specification PPP-B-591, PPP-B-601,
or PPP-B-621; or in a V3c, style RSC fiberboard box conforming to Specification
P P P - B - 6 3 6 . Closure, strapping, or reinforcement of the container shall be in
accordance with the requirements of the applicable container specification and
the appendix thereto.
In addition to the closure requirements specified in the
appendix to Specification PPP-B-636, the seams, corners, and manufacturer's
joint shall be taped.
Either the tape specified in Specification PPP-B-636 or
tape conforming to Specification PPP-T-76 shalI be used. AlI strapping or metal
banding used shall be galvanized.
T h e instalIation kits, packaged as specified in 5.2, shall
be packed as specified in 5.3.1, except that domestic type or class containers
shalI be used.
In addition, all strapping or metal banding shall be coated-
T h e installation kits, packaged as specified in 5.2, shall be
packed to insure carrier acceptance and safe delivery at first destination for
immediate use.
Containers shall be in accordance with Uniform Freight Classifica-
tion rules or regulations of other carriers applicable to the mode of transportation.
In addition to any special marking required by the contract or
order, unit and intermediate packaging and shipping containers shall be marked in
a c c o r d a n c e with Standard MlL-STD-129.
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