| ![]() MIL-I-60166(MU)
3.7.6 Power factor range. - The inverter shall be capable of operating with
power factor loads ranging from 0.8 leading and 0.6 lagging.
3.8 Operability. -0 The inverter shall be thermally stabilized at an ambient
temperature of 150 4 F and operated continuously without additional heat sinks
for 8 hours with a full load of 150 VA at the least efficient power factor between
0.8 leading and 0.6 lagging. Immediately following the 8 hour operation the
inverter shall meet the requirements of 3.7. Subsequent to meeting the high
temperature requirement, the inverter shall be thermally stabilized at -65
4F and again operated at aforementioned full load and power factor for 1 hour
(minimum). Immediately following the 1 hour operation, the inverter shall meet
the requirements of 3.7.
3.9 Efficiency. - After operating for a maximum period of 1O minutes the
inverter shall 0operate continuously with a minimum efficiency of 60% under a
full load at 150 F with a dc input of 24v.
3.10 Radio interference. - The inverter shall meet the requirements of
Specification MIL-I-26600 (Class III) fox radio interference suppression.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. - Unless otherwise specified in the contract
or purchase order the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection
requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the supplier
may utilize his own or any other inspection facilities and services acceptable to the
Government. Inspection records of the examinations and tests shall be kept com-
plete and available to the Government as specified in the contract or order. The
Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the
specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies
and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4.1.1 General provisions. - The quality assurance provisions of this specification
cation and of other documents referenced herein form the basis for inspection to be
performed by the supplier. Inspection of components and subassemblies not
covered by Specifications or Supplementary Quality Assurance Provisions (SQAP)
shall be in accordance with 4.3.2. Definitions of inspection terms not otherwise
defined herein shall be as listed in Standard MIL-STD -109.
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