| ![]() MIL-I-60476A(MI)
5.1 Packaging and packing of loaded igniters. Packaging and packing
of loaded igniters for shipping shall consist of placing 336 igniters in
Igniter Container Mark 8, Mod O, BUORD LD267523.
5.2 Markin The exterior of each shipping container shall be
correctly and legibly marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129 and
I.C.C. regulations.
6.1 Ordering data.
Procurement documents should specify the
Title, number and date of this specification.
b. Data cards. Data cards shall be prepared for each lot in
accordance with the information specified MIL-STD-1167.
6.2 Inspection code numbers. The five digit code numbers assigned
to the inspections herein are to facilitate future data collection and
analysis by the Government. All submitted designs shall contain a reference
to the applicable 5 digit code number contained in Section 4 of this
specification and the appropriate component or assembly drawing number and
revision letter to which the specific design applies. These code numbers
are used to correlate the characteristics with the inspections listed in this
specification. They shall also be cited as referenced on drawings of
equipment designs submitted by the contractor (see 6.3.1).
6.3 Contractor design. Special calibration and test equipment necessary
to accomplish the requirements as stated herein may be designed and manufactured
by the contractor. Contractor designs shall be supported by detailed drawings
which depict all information necessary to completely fabricate, calibrate and
operate an item of inspection equipment. This requires that the necessary
views, dimensions, materials, finish, notes, operating and calibrating
instructions be properly depicted in accordance with approved practices to
the extent that further calculation or clarification will not be required.
Unless otherwise specified, contractor designs may be developed on the
format the contractor normally employs in his equipment design procedure
provided such format reflects the detail and information specified above,
subject to the following controls: All submitted Contractor designs shall
conform to DOD-D-1000, LEVEL 2.
6.3.1 Submission of contractor design. All submitted designs shall
contain a reference to the applicable paragraphs of this specification,
and test equipment shall be approved by the Procuring Activity prior to
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