| ![]() MIL-J-7093A
applied to the chamber and the output measured at the propel lant grain. All the
vibration shall be along the longitudinal axis and perpendicular to longitudinal
axis. The specified time shall be divided equally among the two directions. The
test motors shall be sub jetted to a resonant frequency survey by applying a 1g
input and slowly varying the frequency from 5 to 500 cps. The units shall be
tested after the resonance survey as follows:
(a) Two (2) units shall be conditioned at -75F and vibrated at
-75F with a nominal frequency of 30 cps and a nominal acceleration of 1g for
24 hours. The units shall then be conditioned at 150F and vibrated at 150F
at the most significant resonant frequency determined for 24 hours at a nominal
acceleration of 5g. The units shall then be temperature cycled from -75F to
150F (three complete cycles) and subjected to a temperature gradient by placing
the units in a temperature conditioning room at 150F for 2 hours. The units shall
then be subjected to 129 acceleration normal to longitudinal axis and 30g longi-
tudinal acceleration. Duration of acceleration shall be 10 2 milliseconds. After
the shock test, the motors shall be static test fired at 150F. Elapsed time between
removal from the temperature conditioning room and test firing shall not exceed 20
minutes. The requirements of Table I (3.3.1) shall be met.
(b) The other two (2) units shall be conditioned at 150F and
vibrated at 150F with a nominal frequency of 30 cps and a nominal acceleration
of 1g for 24 hours. The units shall then be conditioned at -75F and vibrated at
-75F at the most significant resonant frequency for 24 hours at a nominal accel-
eration of 5g. The units shall then be temperature cycled from 150F to -75F
(three complete cycles) and subjected to a temperature gradient by placing the
unit in a temperature conditioning room at -75F for 2 hours. The units shall then
be subjected to 12g acceleration normal to longitudinal axis and 30g longitudinal
acceleration. Duration of acceleration shall be 10 2 milliseconds. After the
shock test, the motors shall be static test fired at -75F. Elapsed time between removal
from the last temperature conditioning roam and test firing shall not exceed 20
minutes. The requirements of Table I (3.3.1) shall be met.
Age Tests. - Two (2) motors shall be temperature conditioned at -75F 4 units
and two (2) motors shall be temperature conditioned at 170F, each group for 30 days.
At the end of the storage time, the cold units shall be fired at -75F and the hot
units shall be fired at 150F. The requirements of Table I (3.3.1) shall be met.
4 units
Acceleration Tests. - Four (4) units shall be placed on a dynamic
facility (track or centrifuge and accelerated to 30 g in the longitudinal direction
and fired while subjected to acceleration load at ambient temperature. Pressure-
time curves shall be obtained.
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