| ![]() MIL-K-70606 (AR)
TABLE II. First article test plan
1) The Classification of Defects, sharpness and latching
mechanism tests shall be done first on all 22 M.P.B.S.
2) The impact, twist, withdrawal, and resiliency tests shall be
done with the same nine MPBS.
3) The interchangeability test shall be done with 10 M.P.B.S
from the remaining 13.
4) The firing, cutting, drop test, and the latching mechanism
test at ambient shall be done after the interchangeability using the
same MPBS.
5) The corrosion resistance test shall be done with the
remaining three MPBS.
4.5 Quality conformance inspection.
4.5.1 Inspection lot. The maximum lot size shall be 1080 or
one month's production, whichever is smaller.
4.5.2 Sampling. Sampling for inspection shall be performed in
accordance with MIL-STD-105.
4.5.3 Failure data. If test requirements cited herein are not
met, acceptance of the MPBS shall be deferred and the contractor .
shall accomplish as applicable, the following actions:
a. Conduct a failure analysis study performing a dimensional
physical and visual examination of the components which are
suspected to be the cause of failure or malfunction.
b. Evaluate and correct the applicable production processes
and procedures to prevent recurrence of the same defect(s) in future
c. Examine the MPBS, partially assembled MPBS and components
(including components and subassemblies at in-process or final
assembly) to insure that material containing the same defect is
purged from the inventory and not presented to the Government for
d. Submit the results of the failure analysis and the
corrective actions taken to the Government for review and approval
prior to submitting a reconditioned lot or reconditioned MPBS. for
4.5.4 Examination. Examination shall be performed on sample
MPBS from each inspection lot for defects listed in through The inspection level shall be Level II per MIL-STD-105
with accept\reject criteria as specified in through
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