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4.4.1 Individual tests. Each lead submitted
where such inspections are deemed neces-
for acceptance under contract shall be sub-
sary to assure supplies and services conform
to prescribed requirements.
jected' to:
(a) Examination of product (4.5.1)
4.2 Classification of tests. The inspection
(b) Electrical leakage
and testing of shielded detachable leads shall
be classified as:
4.5 Test methods. Suitable service type
(a) Qualification tests
mating receptacles shall be used during the
conduct of these tests.
(b) Quality conformance tests
4..5.1 Examination of product. Each lead
4.3 Qualification tests.
submitted for acceptance shall be carefully
examined for conformance to the require-
4.3.1 Sampling instruction. Qualification
ments of this specification for which no test
test samples shall consist of a sufficient num-
methods are specified,
ber of leads to equip the engine for which
they are designed and 12 additional leads
4.5.2 Electrical leakage. Leads shall be
representative of the various lengths used on
subjected to a dc potential of 15kv applied
this engine. Three of the additional leads
between the conductor and the shielding,
shall be not less than 24 inches in length.
The leakage resistance shall be measured.
Samples shall be identified as required and
forwarded to the activity responsible for
4.5.3 Air leakage. Each terminal connector
qualification as designated in the letter of
shall be installed in a suitatble service type
authorization (see 6.3).
mating receptacle. With the assembly im-
mersed in water, air pressure at 25 psi shall
4.3.2 Tests. Qualification tests of leads
be maintained in the terminal well for a
shall consist of the following tests conducted
period of 5 minutes (see 3.6.2).
in the order listed:
(a) All qualification test samples
4.5.4 High temperature. The leads shall be
placed in a circulating air oven capable of
Examination of product (4.5.1)
F with-
reaching a temperature of 450
Electrical leakage
in a period of not less than 1 hour nor more
Air leakage
than 2 hours. The duration of temperature
(b) Three long test samples
aging shall be 125 hours, Throughout the
High temperature
first and last 5-hour periods of the 125 hours
Cold bending
of aging, the leads shall be subjected to a
Air leakage
60-cycle ac potential of 12kv rms applied
Moisture and maximum
between the conductor and the shielding, The
initial voltage application shall be made
simultaneously with the start of the oven
heating units.
(c) Engine set of leads
Engine endurance
4.5.5 Cold bending. Three leads at least 24
Electrical leakage
inches long shall be placed in a cold box and
Air leakage
maintained at a temperature of --650 + 00,
Shielding properties
--50 F for 24 hours. Immediately following
Moisture and maximum
this period, the leads, without removal from
the cold box, shall be wound on a 3-inch
diameter mandrel, The leads shall then with-
4.4 Quality conformance.
stand, while still at the specified low temper-

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