| ![]() Manufacturer's part number
conforming to type III, class 1 of Specifica-
Date of manufacture (month and year)
tion PPP-T-60, The gross weight of wood-
Name of manufacturer
type shipping containers shall not exceed 200
Name of contractor (if different from
pounds, When fiberboard containers are util-
ized, the fiberboard shall have a minimum
Contract or order number
Mullen test of 275 pounds and the gross
For use on engine models (state applic-
weight shall not exceed the weight limita-
able engine model numbers)
tions of the applicable container specifica-
5.3.2 Shipping containers. In addition to
any special marking required by the con-
5.2.2 Level B. Leads, packaged as speci-
tract or order, shipping containers shall be
fied, shall be packed in domestic-type exte-
marked in accordance with Standard MIL
rior containers conforming to Specification
PPP-B-585 (class 1), PPP-B-591 (style
B ) , PPP-B-601 (style B), PPP-B-621
(class 1, style 2), PPP-B-636 (type I or II,
class 1). Closures shall be in accordance
6.1 Intended use. Shielded detachable igni-
with the appendix of the applicable con-
tion leads are intended for use with aircraft
tainer specification. When fiberboard con-
engine ignition radio shielding assemblies as
tainers are utilized, the fiberboard shall have
easily replaceable ignition leads.
a minimum Mullen test of 275 pounds, The
gross weight of the shipping container, when
6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents
packed for shipment, shall not exceed 200
should specify:
pounds; the gross weight of fiberboard con-
tainers shall not exceed the weight limita-
(a) Title, number, and date of this
tions of the applicable container specifica-
(b) Specify MS21267-2, if desired (see
5.2.3 Level C, Leads shall be packed in a
3.3.5) .
manner to insure carrier acceptance and
(c) Whether or not an outer protective
safe delivery at destination at the lowest
cover is required (see 3.3.8).
applicable rate. Containers shall be in accord-
(d) Selection of applicable levels of
ance with Uniform Freight Classification
Rules, or regulations of other carriers ap-
packaging and packing (see 5.1
and 5.2).
plicable to the mode of transportation.
(e) Engine model designation
5.3 Marking.
which leads are intended,
5.3.1 Unit and intermediate packages.
( f ) Engine cylinder number and
whether front or rear lead.
Each unit and intermediate package shall
be legibly and durably marked with the fol-
(g) Specify part number of terminal
lowing information in such manner that the
protector desired (see 5.1).
markings will not become damaged when the
packages are opened:
6.3 Qualification. With respect to products
requiring qualification, awards will be made
Stock number
only for such products as have, prior to the
time set for opening of bids, been tested and
approved for inclusion in the applicable
Specification MIL-L-19844
Qualified Products List whether or not such
products have actually been so listed by that
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