| ![]() MIL-L- 24131C(SH)
4.4.3 Graphite content. The following procedure shall be used for the determination of graphite
content. An equally accurate alternate procedure, approved in writing, may also be used. Heat the Vycor
dish and total solids residue (1) form to 570F 5F for approximately 1.5 hours in a muffle
furnace. Cool the Vycor dish and residue in a dessicator and weigh to 0.0001 gram. Identify this
residue as residue (2). The graphite content shall be 75 percent 5 percent of the total solids (,
residue (1)) as determined by the following formula:
Residue weight (2)
x 100
Graphite content (percent of total solids) = Residue weight (1) (
4.5 Duration of files. The manufacturer shall maintain for a period of 7 years from shipment date, a
record file for products furnished on a particular order. The file shall be disposed of or sent to
Government storage facilities at the end of 7 years at the discretion of NAVSEA or its authorized
representative. This file shall contain all test reports and examination records compiled in compliance
with this specification.
4.6 Inspection of preparation for delivery. Packaging, packing, and marking shall be examined to
determine conformance with the requirements of Section 5 of this specification.
4.6.1 Container leakage. Filled lubricant containers shall meet the leakage requirements of PPP-P-
5.1 Packaging and packing. The lubricant shall be packaged and packed in accordance with level C
of PPP-P-1892, unless otherwise specified (see 6.1), and in accordance with 5.2 and 5.3.
5.2 Containers.
5.2.1 Lubricant containers shall have a capacity of either two to three fluid ounces or eight to ten
fluid ounces net, as specified (see 6.1), and shall have a screw cap with brush applicator. The container
shall be leak tight and unbreakable and shall be identical to that recorded as having been used in
qualification tests approved by NAVSEA or its authorized representative.
5.2.2 The containers and caps shall be either nonhalogenated plastic or seamless uncoated tinned
metal and shall be essentially unaffected by the lubricant. The container materials in contact with the
lubricant shall be sufficiently inert, corrosion resistant and sufficiently free of lead, halides, sulfur or other
contaminants that the requirements of 3.2 and 3.4 can be met throughout the shelf life of the lubricant.
5.3 Marking and labeling. Marking and labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements of
MIL-STD-129. A legend in black letters against a strong yellow background shall appear on each
lubricant container. The legend may be printed or be on an affixed label, but shall be of such quality that it
will withstand normal handling and use without obliteration or loss. The legend shall include the
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