| MIL-L-25798D(USAF) Rejection, plan A. When one or more items from a lot fail the
specified tests, the entire lot shall be rejected. Before resubmitting the lot!
the contractor shall fully explain to the Government representative the correc-
Life preservers that have
tions made and the cause of previous rejections,
been rejected may be replaced or repaired and resubmitted for acceptance,
Life preservers rejected after resubmission shall not be resubmitted again
without specific approval of the procuring activity, An air-retaining seam
shall not be reworked after the life preserver is submitted for acceptance.
4,5.2.3 Sampling plan B. An adhesion test sample shall be prepared from
cell fabric by each worker each time a different batch of cement is used by the
The sample shall be identified with the lot in production. Five
adhesion test samples shall also be prepared from each incoming roll of cell
The cementing procedure shall be the same as that used in the con-
fabric ,
In addition, five sample seams and five
struction of the flotation cells.
sample patches shall be cut from the flotation cell used in sampling plan A.
These samples shall be subjected to the adhesion test specified in 4,7.9.
4.5,2.3.1 Rejection, plan B, When one or more of the adhesion test samples
specified in 4.5.2,3 fail the specified test, production shall be halted until
the cause of failure is determined and the corrections made. When a sample
seam from a flotation cell fails the specified test, the lot represented shall
be rejected. Lots rejected on the basis of seam-adhesion tests may be resub-
mitted for acceptance provided five additional flotation cells selected at
random from the lot are tested for adhesion and each is found to conform to
specified requirements.
4,5,2.4 Sampling plan C. Upon completion of the individual tests specified
in 4.5.1. random samples shall be selected from each lot in accordance with
The sample size shall be based only on
inspection level S-3 of MIL-STD-105,
the applicable size code letter corresponding to inspection level S-3. Each
life preserver selected as a sample unit shall be forwarded to an inspection
activity selected by the procuring activity (see 6.2) for the following tests
and examination:
Examination of product" Rejection, plan C.
The acceptance number shall be zero, and the
The lot from
rejection number shall be one for each test and examination.
which the life preserver samples were selected shall not be shipped until the
samples have been approved by the procuring activity and the lot has been
The lot from which
accepted by the cognizant quality control representative.
the life preserver sample was selected shall be rejected if any sample fails
A rejected lot
to meet any requirement of the tests specified in,
shall not be resubmitted except with the approval of the procuring activity.
Upon completion of the tests and examinations, the sample will be returned to
the manufacturer.
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