| MIL-L-25798D(USAF)
The cell of the life preserver shall be inflated to 5 psi
4.7.3 Pressure.
with oil-free air. After a minimum of 10 minutes, the pressure shall be
checked and readjusted, if necessary, to the original pressure of 5 psi.
temperature and pressure shall be recorded at this time. A minimum of 5
minutes after the readjustment period, the pressure shall be measured and
corrected for any change in temperature or barometric pressure. The corrected
After these measurements and correc-
pressure shall be not less than 4.60 psi,
tions , the pressure shall be released. Any evidence of failure of the material
of cemented areas or any evidence of permanent distortion of the cell shall be
cause for rejection.
The carbon-dioxide cylinders shall not be attached for this
4.7.4 Leakage.
The cell of the life preserver shall be inflated with oil-free air to a
pressure of 2 psi. After a minimum of 15 minutes, the pressure shall be
checked and readjusted, if necessary, to the original pressure of 2 psi,
pressure source shall then be removed. A minimum of 24 hours after the read-
justment period, the pressure shall be measured and corrected for any change
in temperature or barometric pressure. The corrected pressure shall be not
This test
less than 1 1/2 psi. There shall be no leakage from the valve stem.
shall follow the test specified in 4.7.3. Failure to meet this test shall be
cause for rejection.
Each cylinder shall be weighed not more than 72
4.7,5 Cylinder weight.
The weight of the
hours prior to its installation on the life preserver,
cylinders and carbon-dioxide charge shall be not less than the gross weight
marked on the cylinder,
The flotation cell shall be subjected to an inflation pres-
4.7.6 Burst.
The pressure at
sure sufficient to cause failure of material or seam areas.
Failure at a
which failure occurs and the type of failure shall be recorded,
pressure of 12 psi or less shall be cause for rejection.
The strength of attachment of the oral valve
4.7.7 Oral valve attachment,
the tube shall be determined by applying force along the longitudinal axis
the assembly in a tensile machine with a jaw separation of 12 inches (plus
minus 1/2 inch) per minute, Failure to withstand a load of 50 pounds shall
cause for rejection.
The color of the cell shall be compared to and shall
4.7,8 Color matching.
The color of
approximately match the color of the standard shade (see 6.3).
Individual materials in
the container shall conform to the applicable drawing.
which the color variation is apparent shall not be used together in the same
unit .
Adhesion shall be determined in accordance with method
4.7.9 Adhesion.
8011 of FED-STD-601.
4.7.10 Leakage after operation. The life preserver shall be subjected to
10 operations as specified in 4,7,2, At the conclusion of these operations,
the internal cell pressure shall be adjusted to 2 1/2 psi and the cells sub-
merged in water for not less than 2 minutes. Any evidence of leakage of the
cell or inflation assemblies shall be cause for rejection, Any nonconformance
to the pressure requirements of 4.7.2 during the 10 operations shall be cause
for rejection.
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